Nya's missing

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    Skylor woke up to find Nya's bed empty. No note, nothing, just an empty bed. She jumped up and ran out the door to bump into Kai. "Good morning, beautiful," Kai said, kissing Skylor's head. "KAI, this isn't time for affection, though I appreciate it, it's Nya! She's missing!! I woke up to find her bed empty!" Skylor said. Nya was like the little sister Skylor never had, Kai already knew the situation, and commanded his troops to scout every area of the palace. He knew that Nya was at the Bandit's Cave, training. He wasn't about to tell anyone that yet, not even his wife. "Kai, it's 6 AM, where's Nya? Wasn't she suppose to be awake as well?" Lloyd asked, yawning. "She's missing! She wasn't on her bed this morning!" Skylor yelled, tears starting to form. "WHAT?!! She's missing! Kai, alert the village we need to find Nya! She could be hurt somewhere!" Lloyd said. "That won't be necessary, your highness. The palace is secure enough that no one can get in or out, the only way to enter is if someone within the palace can find a way in for them," Kai said, he was still suspicious of why his sister was covered in bandages. He was summoned by Wu and brought him to the Bandit's Cave. He was then told of everything, his role as the Supreme Commander and substitute of Ignacia. When he saw that Nya was there, he was so happy that his little sister was going to be a ruler. He also knew that Lloyd was able to marry her since they're both royalty and Ignacia was more lavish than Jadeous. "Then there is a traitor within these walls, we need to sniff them out," Lloyd said, thinking about who it could be. "Mom? No, she wouldn't betray the palace, she's too generous. Dad? Not possible, he cherishes this palace as much as mom does. Wu? Never, that guy is always out negotiating peace treaties. Emperor Hisui? Possible, he's been acting suspicious lately. Empress Yu? Not as suspicious as Emperor Hisui, she's passionate about the flowers though. Princess Harumi? Also likely, but how can she harm? She's too sweet." Lloyd thought. Ever since his confession, he couldn't help but pine for Nya more, but he liked Harumi as well. As he pondered, Misako came in, she knew as much as Wu knew that Nya was in good hands. "What's the matter? A dozen guards are running around the area, what's going on?" Misako said, greeting them with a warm smile. "Mother, Nya's missing, and we believe that there's a traitor behind these walls that disarms the security systems," Lloyd explained. "We should talk to Pix and Zane! We haven't seen them for a while, after all, they take care of the security systems," Kai said, walking to the basements, where he ran into Pixal. "Pix! Just the girl I'm looking for, do you know who or what disables the security system?" Kai asked. "No, they've been cut again, that's the 15th time this month!" Pixal said, frustrated, it normally took Pixal and Zane at least 12 hours to rewire the entire security system from within the palace. "Pix? As in Pixal Borg? Daughter of the ruler of Glacerious?" Lloyd said. "That's right, your highness, you've had a royal living in your home for years, I didn't want to marry a prince my father agreed. As long as we have an offspring, then it doesn't matter who I marry. Of course, I wanted to marry someone witty and knew how to take care of me. Zane appeared in my life and here we are," Pixal said, Zane, appeared into view.

   Around the corner, a shadow listened to the conversation. She knew that her secret must be kept. She ordered her guards to murder the guards that were looking around the palace. "Harumi! What are you doing here? Is that a scratch on your face?" Lloyd asked, concerned. "Foolish boy, what an idiot. Nevertheless, I'll get rid of you sooner or later. Ogon will take over Ignacia and soon he'll give it to me. So dear little Pixal lives in this palace. Hmm...perfect, I just need the princess of Nom, then the prince of Terreous. This world will soon be under my control," Harumi thought. "Oh, I accidentally cut myself when I scratched my face, mosquito bite that's all. I have long and sharp nails, for style, of course. " Harumi said. She had the urge to just scratch Lloyd's heart out, but that would be too dirty. "What's going on?" Harumi asked. "Nya's missing and we're also trying to find a traitor that cuts the wires of the security system, know anything about that?" Kai asked he didn't like Harumi. She's never done anything offensive or harmful that he was aware of, but he felt something off about her.

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