Into the Palace

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   It's been 3 days since the bandits' attack. Maya and Ray's funeral were held under their favorite sakura tree that they were married under. The entire village attended the funeral, for they have known Maya and Ray from the beginning they moved to the village. They came in tatters and was carrying two children wrapped in a red with gold accents silk. Nya and Skylor couldn't help but cry the entire funeral. But know it was time to go.

   They didn't have anything to pack since their entire house was in rubble, so Kai just took them to the palace with his team. Nya didn't want to say goodbye to her friends since they were like family to her. They arrived at the entrance where the King and Queen were waiting on the thrones. "Nya Smith and Skylor Chen Smith, correct? Welcome to the palace! It's a pleasure to meet and I greatly appreciate your help with protecting my son from the bandits. Of course, your other allies will also be greatly rewarded," Misako exclaimed. Nya and Skylor just nodded and didn't say a word. "My, I heard about the terrible event that happened with your parents, and do give you all my condolences, but that'll have to wait later. I will personally escort you to your chambers myself, it'll be nice to chat along the way," Misako beamed as she took both their hands and took them to a bedroom on the second floor. "As you can see, the maids and servants sleep on the second floor and my family or any royalties sleep on the third floor. The other wings are extra rooms. You both will become maids, assigned to different tasks by any members of the royal family," Misako explained, as they approached a room at the end of the hallway. "This will be your room, your jobs will begin tomorrow when my husband and I both decide which royal member you will serve for the time being," Misako warmly smiled and walked away. "She's unusually nice for someone in the Royal family," Skylor whispered. "Just go with it, for now, let's just check out the room," Nya said, as she grabbed the knob and opened the door.

   Their room was gorgeous and impressive! There were silk curtains around the windows with a door leading to a balcony that looked out to the garden. There were two separate beds and desks for both of them. There was a bathroom with a bathtub and shower, a walk-in closet that was already filled with maid outfits and other dresses. The color scheme was red and blue, like fire and water. "Do you girls like your new room?" A butler asked as he carried in a tray with tea on it. "Omigosh, everything in here is like worth a thousand gold coins!" Skylor replyed. "Indeed, the queen is a generous woman and the king is a few different moods, you will get used to that. You will have different shifts depending on the schedule, so you will have to learn how to adapt quickly. Furthermore, do not talk unless you are asked a question and curtsy when a royal member is walking by," the butler explained. "What's your name?" Nya asked, curious. "My name is Sam and I was assigned to help you two along with another maid," Sam replied. As he finished that sentence another maid came rushing in. She was extremely beautiful and mature. "Hello girls, I'm Natalie () and I will also help you through your job through the palace," Natalie said. "Oh thank you so much! You went through a lot of trouble just to help us," Nya said. "Now you will follow me to have tea with the royal members of the palace," Natalie gestured them to the door. "TEA?! With the King and Queen and everyone else? Doesn't that seem informal?" Skylor asked. "It's normal, as Sam should've already mentioned, the queen is generous and kind and wants you to feel welcomed," Natalie said as she pulled out two dresses for the girls to wear. "Now, put these on and we'll escort you to the Great Room," Natalie said as she closed the door. 

   "Having tea with the royal members is a bit much to ask for," Nya said, concerned about whether she wants to tear her dress or find it rather comfortable. She wasn't used to wearing formal dresses. Skylor wore a red, silky, sleeveless, floor-length dress that had patterns of different flowers that were sewed at the bottom. Nya wore a light blue dress that exposed her cleavage and shoulders, a transparent sleeve that was 3 inches long and had a similar pattern to Skylor excepted it was sewed at the torso. "Just go with it, after all, Prince Lloyd invited us to stay until our house is repaired," Skylor whispered. Nya said nothing but walked down the stairs to the Great room not excited about what she will be meeting...

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