Parades and dreams

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The village finally finished the floats and pushed it to the palace where the king was overjoyed and rewarded the craftsmen with handfuls of currency. "Ugh...all that for some currency, sure it's going to make some of us rich, but it's not worth it!" Nya said in disgust as she put her gold coins into her pocket. "Oh, c'mon Nya! It was nice of the king to do something nice for us." Jay said, wrapping an arm around her. Nya smiled and wondered what she would do without her family and friends. 

It was the night of the parade and there were fireworks and the town had decorated it to the royal family and the Jadeous family's liking. "Wow, that's the prince? He seems to look a lot better in person." Cole admitted as he wrapped his arms around Seliel's waste. As he said that, a group of girls giggled, some sighed and fainted. "Ew, seriously? I've seen better, even the princess outshines the prince." Nya said as she motioned Jay to pick her up. She was shorter than a lot of the villagers, Jay happily picked her up and placed her on his shoulders. Nya's face flushed with red but didn't say a word as she looked at the parade ahead. And it just so happen when Lloyd turned his head and made eye contact with Nya's. They both stared at each other, green to brown. Lloyd looked away and started to talk to Harumi, Nya just stared at him with rage boiling inside. "Ouch, hey Nya, what's gotten into you? You're kind of gripping my hair a bit hard," Jay whimpered. "Sorry, I just...did not want to be out here tonight," Nya said as she dipped down and kissed the top of Jay's head. "Does that feel better?" Nya said, blushing when she realized what she's done. "Yeah, a lot better," Jay said, as he put her down. "Since you're not feeling well, I'll just escort you home then, fair lady," Jay joked, offering his arm to Nya. "That will splendid, fine gentleman," Nya laughed, as she took his arm and they walked to her home. They stood at the entrance of her home, where she pulled Jay close and kissed him on the cheek before stepping into her house, leaving Jay blushing and caressing the cheek.

   Lloyd stood on the float and waved to the people of his village. His heart soared at the sight he was seeing. This was his people, the people he will rule over one day. He saw Nya talking to a boy who was about a year older than him, his hair was brown like Nutella and his eyes dark like dark chocolate. When Nya was lifted onto his shoulders, she blushed, and that took Lloyd's jealousy and rage a little further. When they made eye contact, Lloyd looked away and looked into Harumi's eyes, which were a mixture of green and blue...turquoise, her favorite color. "Lloyd, are you alright, you seem unwell," Harumi asked, her voice sweet like honey. "Yeah, I'm alright, I'm just nervous and excited to see my people for the very first time. Thank you so much for being here, it is an honor." Lloyd said, his heart in a mixture of passion and confusion. "The honor's all mine, now lets head home, we had a long day and we can just chat, like friends," Harumi said, smiling. Lloyd felt a faint blush rising to his cheeks, but he gladly accepted but was unsure if he wanted to marry Harumi. As they got to the palace gates, he felt a wave of exhaustion and fell asleep on Harumi's shoulder. 

   Lloyd was floating in the sky. He wasn't falling thankfully but to his right, he saw Nya sleeping peacefully like a dove. Nya...someone I cared about before but I just don't want to love you! Why are you here?! Why can't you just not exist in my life so I don't have to deal with this....this confusing feeling, Lloyd thought as Nya dissolved. "Wait, what?" Lloyd was confused, as it was replaced by an image of Harumi. "Harumi! What are you doing in my dream?" Lloyd asked as he approached the Jade princess. " you like? Like surely? Or do you love some commoner?" Harumi asked in a sweet yet bitter voice. "I...I'm not sure, but I'd rather love you since...since you're a princess and elegant and...."Lloyd said, feeling slightly uncomfortable. "Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon! You have to choose me! That girl is not who you think she is! She could be a monster for all we know! Or a rebel, planning to overthrow you one day! She can't be trusted," Harumi said as the clouds disappeared and showed an image of Nya as an Oni. "That's impossible! My father and my uncle are the only Oni alive!" Lloyd exclaimed. Nya just laughed,

"Are you sure you can trust me, an all-powerful Oni, or some rich princess?"....

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