Injuries and Arrest

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    "What? How could you accuse me of something I never did! You don't have any proof! I am a trained princess of Jadeous!" Harumi shrieked, she was pale and panicked. "We have all the proof we need," Cole pointed out. "First, Seliel found a silver knife in your room, and we noticed an old bloodstain on your dress that seemed as if something bloody happened, Nya went missing the day you were spotted sneaking out at night, and finally you changed your dress after you left Lloyd," Cole stated. "Heh, my you guys are smarter than you look, well such a shame that you'll be gone before anyone finds out," Harumi said, locking the door and slipping out a knife. It was Harumi vs four.

   You would think that Harumi would lose immediately, she wasn't born into the royal family. She was left on the streets after her parents were slaughtered by the Devourer Gang and became part of the gang. She then was adopted by the royal family who took pity on her and she learned fighting skills from the guards. Harumi dashed and sliced at Seliel, who dodged and grabbed her wrist and neck and slammed her down. "My, my, my, the princess of Nom, I wouldn't mind ending you first," Harumi said and stabbed Seliel in the thigh. Seliel winced and her grip loosened, which gave Harumi the chance to kick her off. "Seliel! You're going to pay for that you evil witch!" Cole said and summoned his power of earth. The elemental masters were rounded up and trained by Garmadon and they were able to do crazy stunts.

   Cole could summon giant terra rocks from the ground, earth shurikens, and jagged stones. Zane could summon giant ice spikes, ice shurikens, and ice daggers. Harumi was able to avoid all the attacks, jumping and looping around the rocks and ice. Suddenly Jay came in and summoned a great amount of lightning and shot it at Harumi who slashed at his arms. It gave Jay a nasty cut, but Jay was used to it when he was younger he was cut all the time and have scars all over his body. He then shot lightning bolts and lightning shurikens, who Harumi all dodge. The others were tired, but they were still ready to finish her. "My, my~ you guys have endurance, I admit, you guys are impressive, but not strong enough to defeat me!" Harumi screeched and dashed toward Zane and slashed at his chest. Zane fell backward with his chest exposed but the wires are safe. "Zane! Get away from my husband and my friends!" Pixal said, holding shurikens and threw them at Harumi. Harumi dodged two of them but the third one scratched her on her arm. Harumi winced and clutched her bloody arm, hissing at Pixal.

   Pixal tied Harumi up and went to heal the others. "Thank you Pixal. What are we supposed to do with her?" Jay asked as Pixal bandaged his arm. "We'll hand her over to the King and Queen and inform the Emperor and Empress," Seliel answered, wrapping her thigh. Cole kept an eye on Harumi as the others patched up. "Jay! Thank you for coming as soon as possible! Have you heard from Nya yet?" Zane asked. Jay looked pale and guilty and mumbled under his breath. "I'm sorry, what was that?"Cole asked. "I assumed she was dead and I went for another woman and...yeah, we're dating now," Jay answered. "WHAT?! I thought you liked Nya?" Seliel asked. "I thought I did, but I felt as if she's not the one for me, I'm sorry," Jay said. "It's alright, but we need to find the prince right now, does anyone know where Harumi lead the Prince?" Zane asked. No one knew and Cole glared at Harumi with his scariest stare. Pixal carefully took off the tape from Harumi's mouth and stepped back, thinking that she would bite her. "You think I'll tell you where that little naive prince is. Hehehe, he's slowly dying, rotting in his little prison. Hahaha, you can't do anything about it, you can't do anyth-mph?!" Pixal taped Harumi's mouth shut again. "We'll just have to find the prince on our own then, then they heard a knock at the door," the 5 opened it to see Misako, Garmadon, and Lloyd! "LLOYD!" they all shouted and dogpiled onto him. "Ouch, hey guys, did you guys find the culprit?"Lloyd asked while wincing. "Yeah, we did, what do you want us to do with her?" Cole asked. Then a loud voice could be heard through the walls of the palace.

"Attention all members! Please welcome the ruler and Supreme Commander of Ignacia"

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