Beach Surprise

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   It was 6 in the morning when Nya woke up, naked and groggy, that she felt as if her stomach was a geyser, ready to shoot out at any time. She got out of bed and put on her swimsuit and some pieces of clothing since they were going to the beach. She felt the urge to throw up and ran to the bathroom, hanging over the toilet. She spent the next hour barfing into the toilet. Lloyd woke up at 7:30 AM and saw his wife hanging over the toilet. He walked over to Nya and patted her on the back and assumed that it was just a bad case of a bug, but Nya knew it was far worse.

   They got to the beach when Nya noticed familiar faces in the distance and saw that it was her friends and they brought the maids as well! Little children were running around as well and there were the guys. "Guys! What the heck, this was supposed to be a honeymoon!" Nya said teasingly. "Well, it's a good thing that your awesome big brother is here to stay with you too!" Kai said, ruffling Nya's hair. "Whatever, Skylor, what's your excuse?" Nya said. "Well, I've been wanting to tell you for a few months already, but I'm pregnant!" Skylor said, excitedly. Nya was in absolute shock! She was going to be an aunt! "Is it a boy or a girl?" Nya asked as a little boy and girl ran by. "It's a boy and I want to name him Pyro since he's a fiery one, always kicking," Skylor said, laughing. "Who are these little gremlins running around?" Nya asked as another almost froze her. "That's mine and Zane's little girl, Winter. She's the next elemental master of Ice as you can see. She's only 2 and still trying to get a hang of her powers, "Pixal explained. Nya was overjoyed that she was going to be having little nieces and nephews running around. "And that little boy is my other one, he's 7 and very intelligent, already able to fix almost everything," Pixal said as a little boy with Pixal's eyes and markings and Zane's eyes came running and hid behind Pixal. "He's also very shy, why don't you say hi, Frost?" Pixal said, nudging Frost to Nya. Forst was bewildered and bowed. "Awww! He's adorable! No need to be so formal, Frost," Nya said and curtsied. Seliel was sitting in the sun with a baby carrier and was trying to calm a crying baby. "Seliel, you're pregnant too? Why am I missing out on this?" Nya asked. "Well, you hardly visit, but I can't wait till these guys grow up, I wonder who's got whose features," Seliel said. Nya looked into the carrier and gasped. "You have twins?! Which one's older?" Nya asked. "Rosemary is older by a minute then it's Terran," Seliel explained as Terran stopped bawling. "Aw, now I wish that I had one now," Nya cooed until she remembered her morning. "Speaking of which, we heard you last night, soooo..." Seliel said. "We've decided to throw a baby shower for you and Skylor! Kai hasn't figured it out yet," Pixal said. The girls were so excited.

   Lloyd and the guys were trying to fight each other in the water until a little seven-year-old boy came running. He looked very similar to Zane and the girl came chasing after, she looked more like Pixal except with Zane's markings and eyes. "Dude, did you and Pixal have a kid we weren't aware of?"Kai snickered. Zane said yes in an as a matter of fact tone. The guys almost drowned from hearing that news except for Cole. "Wait, Cole don't tell me you already have one," Lloyd exclaimed. "Duh, I have twins, a boy, and a girl," Cole said, calmly. "Wow, you guys sure are lucky, I banged Skylor already and she still hasn't said anything yet," Kai sighed. "Hey, guys! We have to go now!" Seliel shouted from the beach. They raced each other to the shore. Zane picked up Frost while Pixal picked up Winter and they headed to their rooms. "Alright see you guys tomorrow," Nya said. She took a pregnancy test from the front counter and checked.

"Omigosh, I'm pregnant..."

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