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    Lloyd, Pixal, Misako, Zane, Cole, and Seliel sat at the grand table in the Dining Hall looking through security systems and clues. "I don't understand! We've checked the clues 147 times, watched the security camera clip 429 times and interrogated so many people twice!" Zane said, frustrated. Zane was the most intelligent nindroid they had, he was also the Prince of Ice, also known to be very intelligent. "Don't worry, we'll figure it out eventually, we just need time," Pixal said, trying to soothe her husband. "I'm supposed to be able to know and do everything! I'm a nindroid!" Zane cried. As Pixal tried to soothe her husband, Seliel was keeping an eye on Harumi, she wasn't about to raise suspicion on the prince's sweetheart, but she saw a silver knife under the princess's bed. They were given access to the entire castle to search every room in the palace, and Harumi's room was the first on Seliel's list. She had not met the princess personally, but Nya and Kai gave her and Cole updates about her. Harumi would disappear at night and come back before sunrises, which explains for her afternoon naps. She tried to inspect some more but failed to find anything to prove Harumi a traitor. "Seliel? What's wrong?" Cole asked, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Nothing, but I feel as if Harumi's the traitor, she's been acting suspicious," Seliel said, showing her husband the knife. "You found this? That's weird, I've seen this before," Cole said holding it up. "What's wrong with it? Is it anything bad?" Seliel asked. "From the smell, it's tainted, but I'm not sure with what," Cole said handing it back to Seliel. She smelt it and from the metallic smell, she knew exactly what it was.

   "Lloyd! I found a clue!" Seliel said and slammed open the door to Lloyd's room. In the room was Harumi, whose hands were on Lloyd's shoulder and they were about to kiss. Lloyd looked both embarrassed and surprised. "Uhhh...Lloyd, I'm going to need to borrow you," Seliel said. "What about Harumi? She's just as important to us as anyone else," Lloyd said. "Fine, but just this once," Seliel said, hoping to find any more evidence on Harumi. She noticed a small, brownish stain at the bottom of her dress. She glowered at Harumi, who was chatting with Lloyd and giggling. 

   They entered the Dining Room to find Zane still on his computer and a stack of paper all around him. Seliel approached him and Pixal and whispered something. Cole was already told about the information. He also glowered at Harumi and noticed the stain on her dress, he growled softly. "Ahem, your highness, we have all the evidence we need," Zane said, slightly nervous on how to break the news to the prince. "Really?! That's fantastic! Isn't it fantastic, Harumi?!" Lloyd smiled at her. Harumi's face was slightly pale and she was shocked. Luckily her makeup covered all that up. She had to act fast, but she didn't know how fast. "That's amazing! Good job guys! You all worked so hard to find the traitor, but I need to talk to Lloyd, alone, if you please," Harumi said, grabbed Lloyd's arm and dragged him to the closest closet. She checked around, not a single guard or security camera. "Harumi, what is it? And why are we going into a closet?" Lloyd asked, slightly uncomfortable. "Oh, you'll see, my prince. Sweet dreams," Harumi and slashed at Lloyd's chest and tore an open wound, not too deep to kill him but enough to knock someone unconscious and have a slow and painful death. "...Harumi...why?" Lloyd gasped as he starts losing consciousness and blood. "Why? I never loved you, Lloyd. You were immature and childish. I pretended to love you so I can rule this kingdom. And wanna know something else? I ended Nya's life, she's probably rotting in the Bandit's Cave, the attack of the palace, that was all me. I paid all these crooks to end you but you always got lucky. My friend, Ogon, is helping me take over Ignacia, yeah the previous King and Queen cowardly fled because they couldn't fight Ogon, they're dead. Ahahahah, you are so naive, little prince, the others weren't so trusting, but that doesn't matter anymore, they'll die a painful death just like you. Of course, I can't allow that, so I'll take them out one by one, I just got to keep this charade up. Sweet dreams and rest in peace, not, Prince Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon," Harumi laughed and shut the closet door.

   Harumi washed her blood-red nails, to cover up the bloodstains she couldn't wash off, she covered her nails in red nail polish. She changed her dress and straighten her hair and walked back into the Dining Hall. "So! What's going on now? Who's the traitor?" Harumi said, putting on her fake smile and sweet voice. "Well since you wanna know...

"Harumi Jade, you are under arrest for treason and attempted murder"...

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