The arrival of the Princess

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    It's been three weeks since Lloyd argued with Kai. Every time Nya would appear in the courtyard, Lloyd's anger and passion for her would rise. He didn't want to hate her since he barely knew her, but he hated that she was beautiful and caring...

It hurt.

 Nya would spot the prince staring at her and would turn her head away and walk out. She heard from Kai in a letter about what the prince had said about her. She despised him but feared his father. She knew she had no reason to hate the prince nor the King, but she couldn't help that the prince would say such words when he didn't even know her! She hated that the prince would say such things just because he had power. She sat in the garden with Kai, who was stuffing his face with a sub sandwich. "Hey, Kai-" Nya began. "ANNOUNCING THE ARRIVAL OF THE PRINCESS OF JADEOUS! PRINCESS HARUMI JADE!!" a loud voice rang through the garden. "Who's Harumi? What is she doing here?" Nya whispered. "She's supposed to meet the prince for some kind of arranged marriage. The guy doesn't even know her yet, but at least he gets to decide the wedding date." Kai answered. A girl with pale silver hair, so pale it looked white, walked across the courtyard on a red carpet. She wore a green kimono and a white cape with red floral designs. She wore white makeup on her face with red accents and wore a headset to emphasize her royal status. "Wow, she's gorgeous, no wonder she was chosen. But why Jadeous? What about Ignacious? Or Gaeria? What about Nom?"Nya asked. "Jadeous is prosperous and luscious. It'll give Ninjago land and the numbers to be powerful. Ignacious lost their rulers years ago, Gaeria owns a lot of lands and I thought you knew that the Princess of Nom is married to the local baker we have in the village." Kai said, swallowing his final bite. "Wait, Seliel is the princess of Nom?! Holy frick I didn't know that!" Nya said, astonished. "Well yeah, she could've stayed in Nom and ruled with Cole, but she chose to rule that place when they have a newborn. Welp, my break is over, I'll see you tomorrow little sis." Kai said, ruffling Nya's hair. "Hey! You only did that when I was like, 4 years old." Nya pouted, but brushed it off and left.

   "Ahh...Emperor and Empress Jade, welcome to our humble abode. I do hope that the environment is suitable to your liking." Garmadon said as he, Misako and Lloyd bowed. "It is an honor to finally meet you, Princess Harumi. I have heard many great things about you and your home." Lloyd said, kissing Harumi's hand. Harumi giggled and curtsied. "Thank you, Prince Lloyd, my, you look even more handsome in person. Come why don't you show me around your country. I heard it's small but lavish." Harumi said. Lloyd looked to his parents and panicked. He has never been outside the palace but the courtyard. "Harumi dear, why not a parade to announce your arrival, it'll get the village people to get to love their new queen." Misako teased. "Oh, no need to say it like that. It is Lloyd's decision after all. But a parade would be nice." Harumi said. "Servants! Show the rulers where they will be staying tonight." Garmadon said as he clapped his hand. A handful of servants came into the room and picked up the luggage and escorted the Jadeous rulers to their rooms. "Misako, a parade is a wonderful idea, but none of our craftsmen know how to make floats!" Garmadon said. "We can use the townspeople to make them. We had a parade once and they built excellent floats." Misako suggested. "Excellent! We shall have Nelson announce that at town square tomorrow this instant!" Garmadon said. 

At the town square...

"Citizens of Ninjago! I have an announcement from the King! Crafters please built a float for the arrival of the princess from Jadeous! It is required to be made out of jade and jasmine flowers and others such to make this float! I greatly appreciate your hard work and support!" Nelson yelled. "Float for the arrival of some princess?" Seriously?" Skylor said, slightly disgusted. "Prince Lloyd has never been outside the palace, it might give us a chance to meet the guy for once," Seliel said. "I agree, I've only heard stories about him, but I've never personally seen the guy," Cole said. "Let's just get this over with, apparently she's supposed to be the new queen and the prince's new sweetheart," Nya said. "Hey, want to head to my shop? We still have the lol float from a few years ago and we can reuse that. We'll just have the miners to dig out some jade and get the gardeners to collect some flowers," Jay suggested. "That's a great idea, Jay! Since when did you come up with ideas like this?" Nya teased. "I just came into mind?" Jay said, blushing. "C'mon lovebirds, we got a float to build," Seliel exclaimed as she dragged them to Ed and Edna's shop.

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