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A girl of about ten was walking down the street of New York in the night light ,her body and red hair wet from the pouring rain, across her back was a bag and in her hand was a blade that was glowing.Her blue green eyes were on alert and as her eyes landed on a man in cloak who wasn't that far away, she knew that she only had two options: fight or flight. More men in cloak surrounded her and she tightened her grip on her blade ,there were six of them and she was alone ''You want me?Gonna have to get me.'' she said and with that swung her blade towards the man nearest to her ,taking him off guard.She stabbed him in the thigh causing him to double over in pain before she stabbed through his abdomen. She then clashed her blade with another man, who was more alert than the first one and was easily overpowering her but she stomped down hard on his foot and then she jumped before kicking him in the face and stabbed through his heart.Before she could attack the third one, someone stabbed him from the back and another person swiftly killed the rest three of the men.She blinked the rain out of her eyes and saw a man and woman with runes on their necks and arms and seraph blades in their hands.They looked at the girl with a seraph blade in her hand and determination in her eyes 

''Who are you?'' the woman asked her.

''Katherine Fairchild, who are you?'' she pointed her blade at them both.

''It's okay ,Katherine, we aren't one of them.'' the man said softly and took a step forward.Katherine took a step back but her grip never loosened ''Who are you?'' she repeated herself, the women's eyes softened as she looked at the girl ''I am Maryse Lightwood and this is my husband,Robert Lightwood.'' she said and Katherine lowered her blade, she remembered her mother saying about the Lightwoods.

''Welcome to the New York Institute, Katherine Fairchild.''

And an adventure of a life time begins.

Hi everyone,I am so excited to start this story and I hope that I finish this until the very end.

I just to clear somethings out,

Katherine's age=20

Clary's age=18

Simon's age=18

Jace's age=20

Izzy's age=18

Alec's age=22

The story from the next chapter takes place 10  years after Katherine first met Maryse and Robert and it is obvious that they take her in.

P.S-Alec and Katherine have known each other almost their whole lives and already love each other ,they just haven't realized it yet.

Oh and I will try updating as soon as I can.

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