Back from the Dead

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Katherine was tying her hair up in a ponytail when arms wrapped around her waist and warm lips were pressed on her neck ''Morning.'' Alec whispered in her ear and she turned around ''Morning to you too.'' she chuckled and captured his lips in a a breath taking kiss.

It literally took both of their breaths way and they had to pull away in order to breath. Alec tucked a loose strand of hair that had come out of her ponytail behind her ear. ''I have to go help Magnus with his training.'' Katherine pecked his lips and he nodded ''You should go then, he'd be waiting.''

She had half run and half walked over to the training room where Magnus waved at her, ''Good morning..and you're late.'' ''Yeah, sorry.'' Katherine panted ''I got caught with Alec and-'' ''Okay.'' her father nodded not really wanting to hear what happened next ''I get the idea.''

''Oh come on, Mag..look alive.'' she handed him a stick that Magnus caught and gave Katherine a mock offended look ''I am alive.''

''You look dead.'' she stated and the father-daughter duo circled each other. Katherine blocked Magnus's attack and pushed his stick off of her's before she lunged at him but Magnus ducked and spun before again clashing his stick against her's. The two kept attacking and blocking each other's attacks for a while.

''It's starting to get a bit boring.'' Magnus complained with a smirk and Katherine chuckled ''If you say so.'' she had been going easy on him and he realized it when he struggled to block her attacks in time ''Is it still boring?''

''Not at all.'' he spun and aimed a kick at her stick which she dodged before swiping her stick under his feet, and that caught Magnus off guard, giving Katherine enough time to again attack ''Ah, ah, ah.'' he blocked her attack ''That was a one time thing.''

''Right.'' she tangled her foot with his but Magnus simply chuckled and Katherine's eyes widened when her face meet with the ground ''How did you do that?'' she asked as she panted, sweat drenched her face and hair, showing the signs of their rigorous training session.

''When you live as long as I have.'' her father figure helped her back on her feet ''You tended to pick some moves up along the way.'' Magnus winked at Katherine and she snorted in humor ''Did you pick some of those moves from Will?''

''Maybe.'' he admitted with a shrug of his shoulders.


Katherine had gotten out of the shower after the training session with nothing but a towel wrapped around her and was drying her hair when the door suddenly opened ''Jesus.'' she relaxed when she saw it was Alec.

Alec looked up and down her and locked the door behind him before he pulled Katherine closer by the waist and pressed his lips against her, a low hum left his mouth as her hands pulled him closer to herself ''There is something you should know.'' he breathed out and connected their foreheads.

Katherine saw the smile on his face and smiled as well ''What is it?'' ''Jace just sent me a fire message, Clary might still be alive.''

She chuckled, her face brightened and Alec's heart filled with love as he looked at her ''How do they know?'' Katherine asked him as confusion too settled in her ''The apartment wasn't destroyed..just relocated.'' he replied and saw the gears turning in her head ''Relocated?..Alec that means she wasn't the only one to survive.'' she stated.

''Jonathan did too.''

Jace and Luke had returned to the Institute after their research of Clary and Katherine had called Magnus to the Institute as well, his eyes had lit up in happiness when she had told him that the Fairchild was still alive.

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