Simon's saved

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Alec was ruining his arrows while Katherine threw the seraph blade and caught it by it's handle, her mind again and again going on Jocelyn Fairchild so much that she didn't notice when she caught the blade by the blade and hissed in pain at the cut on her palm ''What's wrong?'' Alec placed his arrows down and walked to her ''Nothing, just a little cut.'' she activated her heal rune with her stele. She felt two fingers under her chin lift her face up until hazel eyes started into her's ''What's wrong?'' he again asked ''Mom, it's about her. I mean did she never love me? never saw me as her own daughter?'' Katherine'e words came out in a hushed tone as her eyes briefly went to Alec's lips and above her beating heart and a warm sensation in her whole body, she had the sudden desire to.....snap out of it ,she told herself and looked at his eyes again.

Alec's eyes went to her lips and a powerful shock filled his body as he looked back at Katherine, her eyes suddenly appeared to darken with an emotion he couldn't identify but he was sure his had too.

Someone cleared their throat and they both jumped apart to see Hodge standing with a cup of coffee in his hand which made Katherine gulp in anxiety  ''Didn't know you were here.'' he looked at the two as Alec stammered ''Yeah, no, we...uh'' ''I came here to help Alec rune his arrows.You know he carries too many to rune by himself.'' Katherine gave the weapons trainer a smile while Alec gave her a look in between 'are you serious' and 'you're a worse liar than I am'. 

''No need to lie and don't tell me. I don't wanna have to report you.'' Hodge said ''It's just that, you , know, Clary is-'' ''That girl is Valentine's-'' the rune glowed and Katherine winced as Hodge groaned ''the monster's daughter.There must be some reason why the roaches are coming out of the woodwork again, right?'' ''Yeah.'' she said.

''I'lll leave you two to it.'' he started to walk away ''Hodge? Thank you.'' Alec said. 

''You remind me of me,Alec. A loyal friend standing in the shadow of the chosen one.'' Katherine frowned at him and Alec scoffed ''Hey, don't make the same mistakes I did.Look where it got me.'' Hodge them turned to her ''You have great potential Kate, greater than you think. '' he gave her a smile before walking , further confusing Kate as to what he was saying . ''I don't know what he was trying to say, but Alec you're not Jace's shadow, you are his best friend, his brother, his parabatai.'' she placed her hand on top of his,  sending soothing waves down his body.

Her phone dinged and Katherine looked at it to see Izzy's text ''Guess she sent it to you too.'' Alec said looking at his phone.

''We gotta go then.''


Katherine and Alec went into an underground area for which Izzy had sent them both the coordinates to, the room was barely lit and was metallic , making their footsteps echo as they climbed up the stairs.

''There she is.'' Katherine saw Izzy standing against a wire frame, '' You changed your dress.'' Izzy gave her a smile. ''We got your text.''  Alec looked at his sister ''Where are we exactly?'' ''It's creepy, wherever it is.'' Katherine looked at their surroundings.

''It's an old meatpacker's service entrance.'' Izzy told as she pointed towards the other side of the building ''If we go back there, we come up into the basement of the Hotel DuMort. Perfect right?We distract the vamps, Clary and Jace have time to go find Simon.'' Katherine gave the younger girl a smile,'' It's brilliant,Iz.''.

''Okay.'' Alec simply tightened the bow that was on his back '' Okay? It was hard work interrogating Meliorn to get this intel.''  a smirk gave way on Alec's face as he saw the serious look on his sister ''Great job ,Izzy. You have faerie dust on your dress.'' he walked ahead of them. Katherine laughed at that, not at all aware of the effect it had on the archer ,amused at the siblings banter ''Here, you still have some over here.'' she wiped off the imaginary dust  off Izzy shoulder ''Really,Kate?''.

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