The Plan

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After the talk with Hodge, Katherine had left Clary to Jace and had went to Izzy's room and was currently laying on her bed as Clary stood in front of Izzy's mirror '' This is the least revealing thing you have?'' she asked Izzy who stood behind her and chuckled ''What? All the naughty bits are covered. A little too much in my opinion.''  Katherine threw a pillow at Izzy's head ''Hey.'' she turned around and gave older Fairchild a playful glare ''Don't give her any ideas.'' she said and Izzy gave a smile before throwing the pillow at her face which she caught in her hand and placed it back on the bed ''Right.I forgot your reflex actions are faster than mine.'' the younger Lightwood chuckled and Katherine chuckled along with her before they both stared at each other and started giggling . None of them noticed the jealously that was coming out of Clary at watching the two being so close and thinking that she would still have been close to her sister if only none of what had happened would have happened.

''Where's Simon?'' she asked,  making both Katherine and Izzy stop giggling ''Who?'' Izzy asked and Katherine snorted at the look Clary was giving her '' Kidding.He is in good hands with the boys.'' she added and sat on her own bed '' Scoot over,Kate.'' she said and Katherine sat up before moving so that Izzy had more space '' So, uh , you, Kate, Alec and Jace  are... what, like family?'' Clary asked her ''Like? Clary, we are family. But that's not what you want to know, do you?'' Katherine gave her a smirk, amused at her sister and conclusions she made . Izzy chuckled ''Translation, you want to know if Jace and I are a thing.''  ''Why would I care?'' Clary scoffed ''Oh, because you do ,little sister.'' she again smirked at her, they both had been the best of friends before Katherine had run away, she used to think that she would never get the chance to talk and tease Clary about boys, but then and there, sitting there and teasing her about Jace, it made Katherine think that how fortunate she was to have Clary back in her life. Clary gave an amused look ''Don't worry, in every way he's our brother.And she is mine and Jace's sister, at least.'' Izzy said and placed her elbow on Katherine's shoulder ''What do you mean 'at least?' '' she asked the younger Lightwood ''Oh please, Kate. You think that I haven't seen the way Alec and you have been looking at each other over the years?'' Izzy smirked  and confusion filled Katherine, how did they look at each other?  '' Our parents first took in Kate, when she was ten  and then three months later, Jace.She was all wet and soaked from the rain, her clothes bloody and torn, covered in bruises and cuts.But she held a seraph blade covered in blood  in her hand so tightly that I for a second thought that she would  kill us all . And that was the day I promised myself that I would try to be half the person your sister is. '' she  looked  fondly at Katherine who was having a hard time in keeping her tears at bay, she didn't knew the younger girl adored her so much ''You looked up to me?'' Katherine asked Izzy who smiled  before squeezing her hand ''I never stopped,Kate.'' ''And then my parents took in   Jace , he was and is still is so much like Kate.Oh, you should have seen these two.'' Izzy laughed and Katherine smiled at the memory ''They didn't get along for a month and when they did, they became the best of friends, even more than Alec and him. We four  trained together, learned to fight side by side.'' Izzy told Clary.

Clary sighed ''A few days ago, all I had to worry about was getting into art school, and now....'' ''Now your seemingly dead sister is not dead and you have been thrown into the Shadow world.'' Katherine sighed and looked at her '' Is this the part were we give you the pep talk about harnessing your inner Shadowhunter and accepting your true destiny?'' Izzy said ''I am not good at pep talks. '' Katherine shrugged her shoulders  ''Was that the pep talk?'' Clary asked  ''Basically.'' Izzy chuckled ''Clare.'' Katherine got up from the bed and walked towards her sister before taking her hand into her own ''It's a lot to take in ,I know. But you were born to do this and this is who you are.'' ''Not exactly feeling that.'' Clary said as Izzy walked towards them ''Yet.'' she said and Katherine patted Clary's cheek  who sighed''Okay, but now we just have to find Dot.'' '' And track down and kill the most dangerous rogue  Shadowhunter in history before hi kills us all.'' Izzy added ''Life couldn't be better.'' the older Fairchild smiled sarcastically ''You really know how to ruin a pep talk, don't you?'' Clary said as Izzy and Katherine linked their arms together ''Come on, let's go.'' she said.

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