Blood Oath

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''How many downworlders do you think live in New York?'' Alec was standing in Magnus's balcony as Katherine and Magnus approached him. ''Who knows? A thousand?'' she stood next to him as the warlock stopped a bit behind the two.

''Maybe, but they're not all your responsibility.'' Katherine turned around to face him ''But you are, you, Luke and Simon all are.'' Magnus smiled at her ''We all can take care of ourselves.''  Alec saw a guilty look across her expression and took her hand in his own.

''I know you all can...but I have  pure angelic blood and Valentine could be coming for me or Clary anytime-'' ''He won't get his hands on you.'' Alec assured and Magnus nodded his head ''I would care less if he does, what I am worried about is that he's gonna use the two or either of us to activate the soul-sword.''

Alec and Magnus shared a look of worry, both thinking the same thing. ''If it ever comes to it, Alec...I want you to kill me.'' she looked at him and his eyes along with Magnus's widened. ''What? No, no I won't ever do that.'' Alec pulled her closer to him, fearing that she'll do something to herself.

''That's the only way, the only way to know that innocent downworlders won't die.'' Katherine reasoned with him.

''And where do you think that'll leave us? Your family?'' Magnus asked as Alec pressed his forehead against her's ''I almost lost you once.'' his breathe came out shaky on Katherine's face and she felt her heart break at the pain in his voice ''I won't lose you again, I can't.''

''About that.'' Katherine moved her eyes to  look up at him as Magnus left the two alone and went out of his balcony ''Do you think I would be able to live without you? Alec...seeing you standing on that ledge, I almost-'' ''It was the magic, Kate. I would never, never-''

She pulled him closer, their lips brushing past each others ''I know. But from what I have heard, magic can't create fears, only bring them out.'' Alec sighed but didn't pull his forehead away from her's ''Kate...'' ''You don't have to explain yourself.... just promise you'll tell me if things ever get that bad.''

He smiled at her and kissed her ''Who else would be the first one to know?'' Katherine chuckled and turned her head towards the door as it opened and Jace along with Clary came rushing it.

''Don't you people have phones?'' Magnus came out of one of his rooms as Alec and Katherine made their way to the rest. ''We need your help.'' Katherine's eyes widened when she saw Clary's hand turning a painful looking blackish blue. 

She made the younger girl sit on a couch and Jace sat besides her ''Okay, let's do this.'' Katherine rolled her sleeves up and reached for the younger girl's injured hand ''Wait...Kate you can't.'' she rolled her eyes as Alec reminded her and the rest's face filled with conflict ''I am wearing the bracelet.'' 

At that Alec relaxed and Clary slowly let Katherine grab her hand as golden veins appeared on her skin, she grunted as she continued to take the pain away and would have fallen to the ground had Alec not caught her ''Kate!'' ''I am fine.'' she let him help her up on her feet but Alec's arm stayed around her waist .

Jace looked at her in concern before looking at Clary's hand ''Why didn't it heal?'' ''Because it can't.'' Magnus  took her hand and waved his magic around it, his fears coming to light when the wound stayed where it was.

''LaChair Brulee.'' he looked at the rest with dread in his voice.

''I am guessing that's not a dessert.'' humor laced Clary's voice and Katherine snorted ''You too have awful timing for humor.'' Jace stiffened as he remembered her saying the same thing to him. ''It means 'the burnt flesh'. It's an old blood oath spell.''

Alec shared a look with Katherine ''Then it must be Iris.She said you owed her a favor.''

''At Max's party she said I have to find Madzie.'' Clary looked at between Jace and the two ''Then we better start looking. I can get rid of the pain-'' ''-so can I.'' Katherine shrugged her shoulders and Alec shook his head ''Can you? Without feeling the pain yourself?'' she narrowed her eyes.

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