Time for Truth

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The real Katherine;)

''Jace is the Owl?'' Izzy asked, her voice drenched in surprise ''How is that even possible?''. Katherine looked down at the table that they all were standing around as she put two and two together ''He wasn't losing his mind after all....'' her eyes locked with Alec's ''He was possessed.'' he completed the sentence.

''I should have seen the signs.'' Katherine frowned in guilt ''I am his twin, how couldn't I see?'' ''This isn't your fault. You couldn't have known.'' Alec placed his hand on top of her's, his eyes soft  as he looked at her and every one knew that that look only existed for Katherine.

''None of us could have. Jace is possessed by an extremely powerful greater demon who gave him the ability to turn mundanes into demonic killers.'' Magnus explained as Clary silently sobbed but the Herondale thought it was because of being dropped from a roof down on a car by the person she loved the most.

Alec's hands whitened as he gripped the edge of the table tightly ''We have defeated Greater demons before. We'll do it again and free Jace.'' his voice was calm but Katherine heard the panic that no one else did. ''This is not just any greater demon.'' Magnus's face, like the rest of them was twisted in panic as he continued ''Clary was able to draw an image of the beast.''

He showed them a piece of paper on which had the picture of demon and Katherine gasped in shock, she had never seen anything like it   ''And it matches this image from the Silent City archives.'' Magnus looked around the group ''The demon is Lilith, queen of Edom..Adam's first wife.''

''Adam?'' Katherine repeated the name, half in shock and half in surprise. '' As in Garden of Eden, Adam?'' Izzy asked to be clear but her voice held the same level of shock that the older girl's  had. ''The one and only.'' Magnus confirmed.

''So what does that mean?'' Simon looked around the group in confusion. ''She is the mother of all demons.'' Magnus explained ''Which makes her way too powerful than anything that we have ever encountered before.'' Katherine added and sighed in nervousness and confusion as her eyes locked with Alec who spoke both of their confusions ''But of all people, why Jace?''

Clary sobbed and looked between the pair, her eyes held tears but Katherine understood that those weren't of pain..but of guilt.

''Alec, Kate,...what you two felt that night..when your parabatai rune disappeared and your's and Jace's bond broke...'' more tears filled her eyes ''Both of you were right. Jace did die, Valentine killed him.''

Katherine simply gasped in acknowledgement '' I am not surprised.'' Alec looked from her to Clary and his eyes hardened '' I knew it, we both did.''. Clary finally let the tears fall as Simon asked a very crucial question, the answer to which the older girl already dreaded '' But if he died then how did he come back?''

'' I know how.'' Katherine had prayed in the short time that the answer wasn't what she'd thought it was..but her prays weren't answered '' You made a wish..or should I say the wish to Raziel, didn't you, little sister?''

Clary didn't say anything, but the emotions on her face did and they all looked at her in shock with Izzy being the first one to break the dreaded silence ''You made the wish?''

''I had to.'' Clary defended her actions as she looked between Alec and Katherine ''I had to. It was the only way to bring him back, but it...'' another sob escaped her lips ''..it made him  vulnerable to Lilith, to the..this beast that is powerful enough to murder  Ithuriel.''

Katherine would have fallen to the ground in shock had Alec not seen her about to fall and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her into himself. ''Ithuriel's dead?'' she asked Clary, her own eyes filling with tears, it was after all Ithuriel's blood that ran through her veins.

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