The End or a Beginning?

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Katherine's knees had become wobbly from sitting in Simon's yellow van with her legs pulled up to her face and she stumbled slightly before Alec caught her ''Whoa.You sure you don't want me to carry you?'' he smirked as they all entered the elevator,  Katherine blushed at that and he chuckled as Izzy shoot the two an amused look.

As they all walked in Camille's apartment, Katherine's eyes widened at the shelves that lined the walls.

''Wow. You have a lot of books.'' Alec looked around at the shelves  ''I've got a lot of time on my hands.'' a man approached Camille and stopped in front of her ''Welcome home, Madame Belcourt.''

Izzy stood closer to Katherine ''This place creeps me out.'' the older girl chuckled ''You aren't the only one. ''Yeah, let's check the perimeter.'' Alec scanned the shelves with his eyes.

''Good idea if I know Camille , she'll have a trick or three up her sleeve.'' Magnus pointed at a shelf and Katherine along with Alec went towards it as he and Izzy went to another shelf.

''You know.. this is a perfect place.'' Alec put a book he had in his hands back in the shelf before looking at Katherine who narrowed her eyes at him ''Yeah, for what?'' he pretended to be in thought before pulling her closer to him by the waist ''To do this.'' he pressed his lips against her and Katherine lost herself in him  before she remembered why they were there.

''We need to find the book, Alec.'' she whispered against his lips and he sighed before pulling away ''Yeah, you are right.'' she chuckled and caressed his bottom lip ''I generally am.''

Alec rolled his eyes playfully at her before moving away to look at the shelf for the book. Katherine had a book in her hands when the familiar feeling of Jace entered her mind, she gasped and Alec looked at her in concern ''It's Jace.'' 

Kate? Are you all alright?

Yeah, we are.

She felt him sigh in relief  You all have to leave, now

Katherine looked at Alec in confusion Why?

Valentine's coming there, Clary isn't listening to me but you have to leave the place immediately.

Her eyes widened in panic and she grabbed Alec by the arm ''What happened?'' ''Valentine's coming here, Alec.We need to find the others and leave.''

His own eyes widened and he nodded his head before grabbing her hand, but as they turned around, Katherine saw a circle member holding his blade to Magnus's throat  ''One movement and your friend dies.'' he warned as he saw their hands move towards their blades.

Katherine grunted in frustration as she felt another circle member hold her hands and press his blade against her throat, she turned her head to see the same being done to Alec and her heart beat increased in panic.

''Now, move along before we slit any throats open.''


Katherine struggled against the circle member who was  holding her as she along with Alec and Magnus were forced to enter a room where she saw Jace raising his blade against Valentine and Izzy and Simon being held back while Clary stood holding the Book of White.

Jace's head turned when they had entered the room. ''See you are strong.But they make you weak.'' Valentine taunted him and Katherine glared  at the man when his eyes landed on her ''Ah, you must be Katherine, my first ever experiment along with your twin...but well..'' he shrugged his shoulders in a mocking manner.

Katherine's blood boiled in anger and she struggled against the grip of the circle member on her, Valentine saw that and waved him off.

''She's family.''

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