Non-gender specific so that it applies to any player preference, with the exception of Craig and Judah (details on this in "personal experience").
Dr. J Carson
Age 31
Works for the US. Department of Health.
Hired as a private consultant to check all health/safety protocols in the park to be congruent with US laws since there will be a high amount of US tourists.
Was previously a doctor specializing in trauma, quit work in a LA emergency room after a nasty divorce and got a private desk job for the dept of health. Agreed to this small contract as a favor for her mother, Marigold Carson, who is an old friend of Mr. Hammond and Benjamin Lockwood - the idealists and money behind DNA experimentation.
Dr. Shirley Lucas
Age 26
An experimental scientist fresh out of an MIT graduate program with two degrees in chemical engineering and biology.
Snatched up by Mr. Hammond through an internship program, Dr. Lucas is not too concerned with animal's rights, seeing the dinosaurs as results of too much human interference with the laws of nature - experiments considered "successful" just because the math works.
Quietly works away at their personal lab work station until an opportunity arises to see first-hand through the eyes of a tourist.
Ki Keala
Age 28
Studying film and photography in community college, Ki just happens to be on a spring break trip and visiting cousin Terry for a weekend.
When Terry is called into work, Ki happily obliges for a side trip, always up for adventure, meeting new people, and exploring to take photographs. Takes every chance "Once in a lifetime!" for seeing unique sights, but certainly didn't expect anything related to dinosaurs.
Charlie Baxter
Age 16
High school student.
A teenager forced to accompany parents on a business trip when spring break plans fall through. Has a heart of gold, but a few criminal indiscretions; breaking and entering, hacking. Can use any electronic device like a professional.
Personal heroes; Indiana Jones, Carmen Sandiego, Robin Hood. Locked doors and computers are not obstacles - they're challenges!
Craig Murphy
Age 38
Father of Lex and Tim Murphy, the kids from the film. Son-in-law to John Hammond.
He's a minor league baseball player. Exceptionally fast. Grew up in a bad area of the Bronx, knows how to start a fist fight and how to end one. Likes whiskey.
Lex and Tim's mom cheated on him and already has a new boyfriend, but he hasn't told John yet. He agreed to help out John for the weekend not because of any love for John but because he needs a break. It's the off-season after all.
Judah Zwane
Age 38
A game preserver... more of a protector. Has worked in central Africa for the last ten years hunting poachers with a group of secret militants. They stalk the wild areas to stop poaching in progress, sometimes catching the poachers, sometimes having to kill them in self defense when things become violent. Or at least that's what he tells the government.
He knows the bad that people can do, and he knows how animals react to it. He's on the side of mother nature; cloning and DNA manipulation doesn't suit well with him.
A weapons expert, military background with the Israeli army. His father was from Jerusalem, his mother from Kenya.
Alex Barnes
Age 24
Previous consulting expert for the Museum of Natural History prehistoric exhibits while working through college studying paleontology with a concentration in botany.
Knows nature and survival, loves camping, the love of the outdoors conflicting often with "career" requirements as an underpaid tour guide for corporate suits who do not bother to study the subject matter themselves.
Knows a lot of facts and trivia regarding the animals long-thought dead, primarily a historian in the natural world.
Terry Stuart
Age 33
Jack-of-all-trades. Trained as a martial artist as a young teen. Accidentally killed a man with a kick to the head as a young competitor, turned to religion for comfort and the airforce for guidance.
Deeply religious Catholic who knows every liturgy and can speak Spanish with the Costa Rican locals. When completing work with the airforce, took up side-gigs as a pilot in Costa Rica for tours.
Personally hired by John Hammond for the helicopter rides back and forth to the Island.
Jurassic Park DND One-Shot 5e
AdventureUsing the rules of Dungeons & Dragons 5e I wrote and ran a Jurassic Park One-Shot for my friends for my birthday in June 2019. The idea is a "prologue" that ties in directly to the events of the first Jurassic Park film by Steven Spielberg.