The Escape

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The party arrives at the facility; finding it a total flurry. They are hustled back to the safari bus and find all their luggage still aboard. All plans to stay the night and enjoy the prototype "rides" in the morning are hereby cancelled.

You overhear a conversation between the PR manager Marcus Silver having a super intense conversation with the insurance company. "You don't need to send any more inspectors! Everything is fine! Nobody has died! What do you MEAN you're sending an agent in two weeks? Two weeks is hardly uh - YES, fine, we'll have someone meet him at the amber mines and give him a ride to the island. YES, FINE! We'll do it! Whatever! No thanks to you!"

Does the party interrupt and tell them about Carlos? He definitely died, and no one at the facility knows yet why the animal-feeder hasn't brought back the sick yearling yet.

You wait by the door for your driver to the helipad. 

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