The party heads out into the open road. A long, narrow road. Huge, tall jungle trees on either side. It's a straight shot. A lot of visibility. Not a lot of places to hide.
A huge shudder in the earth...
Then it's time to roll for initiative - T-Rex is coming, and she is hungry AF. She stands at the end of the road, looking right at them. Almost blending into the brown and green trees behind her. She charges and attacks.
The fight continues until
1) either the T-Rex is down with a sleeper dart, or
2) she's put-off enough by her injuries to lumber away into the jungle and find easier prey. Don't ask "How do you wana do this?" and kill the T-Rex - we need her alive for the movie ;)
Jurassic Park DND One-Shot 5e
AdventureUsing the rules of Dungeons & Dragons 5e I wrote and ran a Jurassic Park One-Shot for my friends for my birthday in June 2019. The idea is a "prologue" that ties in directly to the events of the first Jurassic Park film by Steven Spielberg.