First Puzzle - Flood the Dam

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If the players get to the small station at the top of the dam, they surmise they should be able to find a phone to call in to the main museum center and get a ride. When the party gets to the top, they find the electricity is down. They meet Jerry Gonzalez, a security guard for the dam. Jerry is a kind, overweight, haplessly overwhelmed fellow who is truly in the wrong line of work.

Some finagling needed (fun ability checks, players getting to try and execute different ideas) with the radios gets them in contact with the control center, and they ask for a ride.

They say one of their animal-feeders, Carlos, is actually finishing delivering dinner to one of the nearby pens, and he can meet them and give them a ride in about ten minutes.

The party tells the person who answers the phone (or Jerry can tell that person if the party forgets to mention it) that the parasaurolophus are breeding.

This gets Hammond transferred into the line. The man himself! He urges Jerry; do whatever it takes to destroy the nesting grounds. Permission granted to open the dam briefly and flood the pen. It will destroy the nesting grounds and there's a natural decline below to guide the water out to sea. Will the party help the frazzled Jerry open the dam and keep his job? Or, will there be a long, in-character debate about the immorality of killing a bunch of innocent eggs because they weren't careful enough with the dinosaurs in the first place?

But... Carlos should have arrived by now. Where is he? It's evening. The sun has finally set, the last of the gold, hot streaks across the sky drop below the treeline. The jungle grows darker... 

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