Before the Crazy

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"5...6...7...8!", I hear as the director, Sam, teaches the dance to the person taking my role. Why he wants me here, I do not know. 

I'm Emily, Emily Greene. My life at the moment is blonde wigs, stage lights and singing. That's going to be over soon because my time as Elle Woods has come to an end. She was my dream role and I am over the moon I got to play her. I only have a couple shows left and I will have to pass on the baton. Well in this case pass on the blonde wig. 

"Stop, stop! Greene come show her how to do the dance," Sam shouts. Ah, that's why I'm here.

"Of course," I say as  I walk out of the wings. I'm never going to forget this theatre. It's beautiful! They decorated it out so it compliments with the show. The chairs are pink and purple. The ceiling and walls are pure white with hidden lights which light up when the Greek chorus join. 

Once I get to her, I go through it a couple of time patiently, making sure she understands. 

"Got it?" I ask.

She nods her head and I walk back to the wings. I know she doesn't believe in herself but she is going so amazing. I think it's because it is soon her turn to shine and she's nervous she would mess up. I completely understand as I was the same when I first got the role. 

"Okay, Greene lets go through it one more one more time with you as we have a show in 4 hours" Sam shouts.

"Do we have to? It's going to be my 97th show, I think i have it drilled into my brain already," I glance at him smiling as I want to put all my energy into my last 3 shows.

"Fine, go and have lunch but make sure to..." he says

"Get here two hours early for make-up and costume, I know," I interrupt him. He smiles and walks away. 

I go back to my dressing room and start to take things down and put them in a box. My dressing room is basically my second home so I have a lot of things to take back before I leave. I thought to start now so don't have to bring home everything tomorrow, my last show. I leave all the things i would need for the show but put away things like fairy light, posters and a few photos. This is when the pink bedazzled book catches my eye. I take it down and its the book that all the past Elle's have signed and left photos. I take the photo off my mirror that was of my first performance and stick it in the book, writing a few words and signing the bottom of it.

As I close the book and put it back, I hear a knock at the door. "Come in!" I say loudly so they have definitely heard me. The door opens and it is the new Elle.

"Hi I just wanted to properly introduce myself" she says, "I'm Jessie, Jessie Palmer."

I look at her for a second. I recognise her... but where from? "I'm sorry but have we meet before?" I ask, not being able to put my finger on it.

"I used to go to your school and Brownies and Guides," she says smiling.

Oh. My. God! She look so different! I used to see her as a little sister. She used to have beautiful long ginger hair but now its shorter and blonde. She used to fall in a hall and trust me enough to catch her before she hit the ground. Luckily, I was always there in time, even if it meant be being squished.

"Jessie!" I exclaim, running up to her giving her a hug. I look at her in the eye, "How? Why? When?" I ask.

"When you left I found my love for performing and I ended up going to Mountview Academy!" she explained, "I'm going to see your show tonight too!"

"Stay here then! I doubt I'm going to leave this room anyway," I suggest.

"Okay then!" she replies excitedly. She sits down on my bean bag and gets comfy. We talk for hours. Mainly about failed relationships and celebrity crushes. 

"Ew, you seriously still like Perri?! I thought you would be over this," she lays back, rolling her eyes. 

"Whaaaaaat? I can't help myself," I say giggling and blushing like when I was 16.

"Greene, hair and make-up will be in in 5!" I hear shouting down the corridor.

"Okay, thanks!" I shout back.

"I think i should go and wait out the front, my parents and sister should be here soon," Jessie says as she gets up to leave. 

"Okay", I get up and hug her, "Come find me after the show though."

"I will," she says, turning and leaving.

I take a few breaths in silence, bracing myself for the next crazy 5 hours. That was soon broken when 5 people barge into by room carrying wigs and make-up and costume. I just sit there and do as I'm told. It makes it go by quicker and that means I get to do what I love quicker. Performing.

Before I knew it, it was time. I stood in my arch way, under the stage, waiting to be lifted. When I was on there, I scanned the audience for Jessie or anyone I knew. I saw Jessie and she was beaming, never taking her eyes off me. The show carried on as normal and before I knew it I was taking bows with little Bruiser in my arms. 

I walked off stage and went back to my dressing room. I took off my costume and wig and as I was taking off my make-up there was a knock at the door. I turn around to see Jessie, crying of happiness. 

"Watching that has made me realise how much I love this role and how excited I should be," she says sobbing into my shoulder.

"You'll be an amazing Elle! You'll learn all the tricks and make her into your own kind of Elle," I whisper into her ear.

"Right, I need to go now, my mum is waiting for me" Jessie says, letting go and wiping away her tears.

"Okay but promise me I'll see you soon!" I say 

"Of course, bye!" she says loudly, running out of the room.

I shake my head and laugh to myself then finish taking off my make-up. I pick up my box and go home. 

I only have a small flat, but that's all I need. I change into my pjs and get into bed for am early night. I end up looking at my phone, scrolling through the socials. On Twitter there's loads of comments about how people saw my show or how they are going to my last show tomorrow. Although I don't see myself as famous, I do enjoy seeing that I have made someones day by doing something I love. I keep scrolling and I come across a comment saying "Isn't she the girl from  Britain's Got Talent?". I smile to myself. If it wasn't for that day, I don't know if I would be in this position now. 

I was just about to put my phone down but it starts ringing. Of course I answer it, even though I don't recognise the number.

"Hello?" I say

"Hi, we are calling on behalf of I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here. We know it is very late notice but we was wondering if you would like to be on the show?" I hear a voice through the phone.



Thank you so much for reading my first chapter!

Yes I know, no Perri yet but as soon as he is introduced he rarely leaves the plot. He'll be in about chapter 4 but is mentioned in other ones.


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