It Begins

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I woke up, not having slept that much because I slept at lot on the plane over. It is 7:00. That means I have an hour and a half to get ready for the beginning of this incredible journey. Today is the day I am meeting my camp mates! I want to give off a good first impression but still wear something that is practical. I decided to put on a pair of khaki shorts, a black crop top and some white trainers that I didn't mind getting dirty. 

Food arrives and I eat all of it, know I might not eat properly for another three weeks. I put my long, brown hair into a high, tight pony tail and plait it. I put on a little bit of concealer, highlighter and some blush for my base. I done my brows,  a pink-ish eye shadow look and topped it off with a glossy lip. 

At 8:30 I get a knock on my door, it's Frankie.

"Hey girl, damn you looking good," she says smiling at me. I look down as I'm not good at receiving compliments. "Is it okay if when you're gone I can take your stuff so we can put in it a separate room?" she asks. I nod my head. "Anyway, taxi's here to take you to wherever. I can't say where your going,"

"Oh come on, I know I'm your favourite!" I jokingly say.

"Even if you are I still can't say anything," she replies, "The quicker you get out of here, the quicker you'll find out!"

I nod my head, say goodbye and walk to reception to get in the taxi.

I get in the taxi and suddenly I am really nervous. What if I don't know anyone? What if everyone hates me? What if no one knows who I am? I try to calm myself down but I just couldn't. Questions kept popping into my head. What if they think your weak? What if I don't have anyone to turn to when I'm down? 

"We're here!" the driver says, interrupting my thoughts. I look outside and there's this massive yacht! I can see people on it but I can't tell who it is. "Just walk onto the boat, you'll get a mic, choose a drink then you can meet you camp mates. Have fun"

"Thank you," I say nervously. I take a deep breath, get out of the car and make my way onto the yacht.

It is so fancy. I'm not good in situations like this because I don't think I deserve to be there. I get my mic, pick up a glass of lemonade and make my way up the stairs to the top. I'm at the bottom of the last set of stairs and I see three figures. Two of them are turned away from me but the other is facing me and notices me straight away. It's Perri! That's why he was at the studio! He's wearing black jeans and a white shirt with thin, black stripes on it. We just kinda stare at each other for a couple of seconds then I make my way up the stairs. When I got to the top, he came over and gave me a tight hug. 

"It's so nice to finally talk to you," he says in my ear while hugging me.

"It really is," I reply, smiling and looking into his big brown eyes. By now the other people had realised I was there and started making their way towards me. That's when I realise who else was there. One of them is Paul Zerdin, a ventriloquist what was on America's Got Talent. He has loads of shows now. The other is Fauna Smith, a long distance runner at the Olympics.

"Hi, I'm Paul," he says to me, giving a quick hug.

"I'm Fauna," she introduces, hugging me too.

"Hi, I'm Emily. I've seen you both on TV. You're amazing!" I praise, feeling a bit relieved that I know at least somebody.

"I feel bad for not knowing you now," Fauna continues, "What do you do?"

"I'm an actress at the West End," I state proudly, taking a sip of my lemonade.

"She was on Britain's Got Talent 4 years ago as well," Perri adds. I was shocked that he remembers that but tried not to show it. 

"Really?" Paul asks.

"Yeah, I came third. Most people forget I was on it so I don't bring it up that much," I shyly respond.

"Do you two know each other then?" Fauna asks, pointing to me and Perri.

"Well, I've been to a couple of her shows," Perri replies.

"And I've seen you on tour and on TV," I continue.

"But we've never actually spoke," Perri finishes, giving me a quick smile. I blush and look down at me feet.

I feel like a teenager all over again. I am hardcore fan-girling but I can't show that because it would just be weird. The conversation carries on until Ant and Dec arrived, which wasn't that long.

"Hello camp mates!" Dec says cheerfully, with us applauding on their arrival. 

"I see your all getting along very well," Ant continues, "However that will not be for long."

We all look at each other, confused. 

"You will be split into two teams. Fauna and Paul, Team Yellow. Perri and Emily, Team Red," Dec states. I feel Perri put his arm around my waist. I am so happy I am in a team with Perri!

"Your first job is to build your team. There will be a series of challenges and the winners will get to choose your next team mate. The losers will get what's left," Ant explains.

"Once the teams are complete, you will compete in a head-to-head race and the winners will get the better camp and an easier start to their jungle experience," Dec continues. 

"And here is your ride to the first task," Ant says, motioning his hand behind him. There was a helicopter. That means flying. I try to hide the scared feeling but I think Perri realised because I feel the grip of his arm around my waist become tighter. I look up at him and nervously smile.

"It'll be okay," he whispers into my ear. 

While we were being led to the helicopter, I explained to Perri about my ears and how I think they would hurt when we are in it. He said I could hold his hand whenever it gets bad. That reassures me a little bit. 

During the flight, I enjoy the view of the jungle but the pain hurts so much as the pressure levels kept changing from the height difference. I remember grabbing onto Perri's arm and resting my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes tight to shut out the pain. I could tell he felt uncomfortable at first so I whispered a sorry but he shook his head, said it was fine and grabbed my hand.

When we landed, I felt a bit embarrassed by what had happened. I took a few deep breaths away from everything and was about to join the other when Perri came over.

"You good now?" he asks, giving me a hug. I nod my head. "Good because the first trail is about to start," he said turning around to the edge of the cliff which had two ladders protruding upwards.

"Okay, we can do this!" I say confidently. He takes my hand and leads me to the others.

We put on a full body suit and harness so if we fall they catch us. I'm not that scared because I don't mind heights, in fact I like them quite a bit. 

"This challenge is called Step Up to the Edge. There are two ladders hanging off the cliff edge, 100 metres above the ground," Ant states.

"What you have to do it retrieve all 10 flags, 5 each. The team which have collected the flags in the quickest time wins this round and gets to choose your team mates," Dec continues.

"Yellow team you are up first," Ant says.

They get into position. I wonder how they will do...

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