Day 5

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***Perri's POV:***

I wake up first with Emily still in my arms. I'm happy she's finally gotten a good nights sleep, even if it did mean she would have to share with me. Yesterday was such a good day. I learnt a fair bit about her and I still want to know more.

I remember seeing her at the BGT finals. Diversity were doing a little performance at the end of the show. She would always sing a song from a musical so she would wear beautiful costumes, even at her audition. The song she sung in the final was so different to the other ones. I'll never forget seeing her walk out in that royal blue ballgown, black jewellery and red lipstick. She sung Love Never Dies, an operatic song. This shocked everyone in the theatre. I wanted to talk to her then but I was too nervous. The boys have annoyed me about it ever since. If you were to tell me then that you would be in a bed, in the jungle, on I'm a Celeb with her, I would of laughed in your face.

I look down at her. She's so beautiful. I can't have feelings for her, but she's different. She won't feel the same about me, I'm just the little kid with the afro from that diversity.

"Is she okay?" Kristy asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Um, yeah. She's okay, just having trouble sleeping," I reply.

"Has she not slept much then?"she questions.

"Last night was the most she's slept. In the other camp she didn't at all," I state.

"I hope it gets better for her," she says, looking down at Emily .

"Me too," I agree.

Kristy walked away and I looked back down to Emily. I hope we can still talk after all of this is over. I lay there for a few more minutes before she starts to wake up. I wish there can be more moments like these.

***Normal POV:***

"Morning," I hear Perri whisper into my ear.

"Good morning," I whisper back. The first time in camp that I have woken up after the sun. I sit up and stretch, realising that the rest of the camp are staring to wake up too.

"I'm guessing you slept better," he stated, while I was putting on my boots.

"Yeah," I agreed, "You can ever get anything wrong, can you?"

"I guess not," he replied.

Everyone got up, had breakfast and sits down, waiting for Ant and Dec to tell us who is doing the trial. I have a feeling today is going to be different. Hopefully, it will be the day I can do my first trial. 

"Good morning celebrities!" Dec chimes as he and Ant walk into camp.

"The public have not been voting for the next trial as there is going to be a little mix up," Ant informs.

"Everyone will be needed at the trial clearing shortly!" Dec states.

"See you all soon," Ant says as they both walk back out. 

I look around at everyone. They seem a little worried but happy that we are all doing this together. I was over the moon! I would prefer it to be a solo trial but I don't mind, at least it's something.

"You look excited," Leah says, walking up to me.

"Very! You know it's been a dream of mine to go on this show," I squeal.

"Also when we get back we need a catch up talk," she pauses and looks around, noticing that Perri's not hearing. "About him," she tilts her head in his direction.

I feel my face blushing and walk further away from the group so I know that no one would hear or see. "Okay, sure..." I agree, thinking back to moments of yesterday. "Right, let's get everyone going!" I continue, shaking my head and getting up.

Accidental Love? - Perri KielyWhere stories live. Discover now