Day 14

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I wake up to Perri running his fingers through my frizzy hair. I look around and everyone else is asleep.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" he asks, briefly stopping.

"No, it's fine," I reply, rubbing my eyes.

"Did you sleep better?" he whispers.

"A little bit. I still don't want anyone to go," I state.

"I don't think anyone wants to," he says. 

We would normally get up so we can talk but we just stay laying down, waiting for people to wake up. I wonder if anything will come out of this or if we just gradually stop talking when we get back to our own lives. I hope that we don't. To be honest I don't even know why I am here. I wouldn't class myself as a celebrity. I'm just a person who sings and dances for a living, but I guess Perri just dances too. 

"What ya thinking about?" he asks.

"I wonder if this will be different when we go back. Like what has happened while we've been here? Will I keep in contact with all of you? Will I still be doing musicals? Would ITV want me for anything else if I go far? Just loads of question," I answer

"I can't answer all of those questions but I can say things will change. It might be a bit like when Britain's Got Talent finished. You recognised got right?" I nod my head "It will be like that but much worse. If you want to keep doing musicals then keep doing them and know that I will be at them as much as I can," he replies, which makes me smile. 

"I'm getting to a point where I just want to see my mum. Whenever I'd feel like this I would call her then rehears a dance or a song but I can't really do that, can I?," I state.

"Didn't you say it's been a year since you've seen your family?" he asks.

"Yeah. I could go to see them at all because you don't get any days off. You miss everything. The last time I visited my family was Harry's birthday last year and that was September," I explain.

"I wouldn't be able to do that," he mutters.

"It's hard but I'm doing what I love and I know my mum wouldn't want anything different," I smile, thinking about her.

"She'll be so proud of you!" he exclaims.

"Everyone get your breakfast!" Didi loudly says, which makes me slightly jump.

We all eat our breakfast and sit around the centre for Ant and Dec to arrive to tell us who is going. This is the worst part of the day! I sit next to Leah and Eliza.

"Hello everyone!" Ant smiles, walking into camp with Dec following him.

"So the public have been voting for the celebrity to do the next trial," Dec states, making us all look around, confused.

"Yes, no one is leaving today!" Ant confirms. A sense of relief hits me and the rest of the camp.

Taking turns one by one they say who is safe from doing the trail. "Between Eliza and Ryan the person who is doing the trial is... both of you!" Dec announces.

"We will see you at the trial clearing shortly," Ant smile, waving goodbye to us. Dec doing the same and leaving.

"AGAIN!?" Ryan exclaims, making us laugh. 

"No one is leaving though!" I shout, jumping up and down. 

"I'm so glad to be finally doing a trial though," Eliza says

"I'll happily not do one!" Fauna states.

"Me too," Paul adds.

Paul and Eliza go around saying bye and people giving them luck. Then they go off to do their trial.

Accidental Love? - Perri KielyWhere stories live. Discover now