Day 4

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I slept a little. Only for a couple of hours but at least it's something. The hammock was so much better than the floor. I still feel bad for Ryan though. I was up first, as usual, so I decided to go up to the tree house platform for a little while and watch the sun rise. I think it's my favourite thing to do in camp, just get to sit there on my own and think about things. 

"Boo!" Perri whispers loudly into my ear, making me jump.

I almost scream but cover my mouth so I don't wake up the whole camp. "Don't do that!" I say, playfully elbowing his side once he sits down next to me.

"Why do I have the feeling your going to be up first everyday?" he asks. 

"Because I most probably am, well if I don't have a good night of sleep," I reply.

"Did you not sleep at all again?" he questions.

"I did for an hour or two but couldn't get back so I thought I would sit up here and watch the sun rise," I explain.

"Is it pretty?" he wonders.

"It's beautiful. I guess I just enjoy being on my own. Well at least that's what I'm used to," I say.

"Do you not have any friends or family visit then?" he asks.

"Not really, pretty much all my family live in Kent. The last time I saw them was a little over a year ago because I was so busy with the show. Also I don't really have any friends either," I answer.

"That sounds horrible," he says.

"I've gotten used to it and I'm always busy anyway, doing shows or rehearsing," I reply, "What about you though, I bet your missing the boys."

"I miss them tonnes," Perri states, "I've been with them for a very long time and I think this is the longest I am going to be away from them, with no communication."

I see his eyes start to tear up. "It's going to be okay," I reassure him, giving him a tight hug. He only hugs back tighter. "Your killing me, I can't breathe!" I joke, which makes him laugh a little.

"I wonder who will do the trial today," he says.

"I don't know. I kind of wish it is me though," I reply.

"Why?" he asks, looking at me as if I am crazy.

"I love the idea of them. For some reason I just love the animals that people find creepy and scary," I explain and look over to him only to realise he's giving me an even weirder look. "What?" I ask giggling.

"You are insane," he laughs, "I would hate them!"

"I bet you would, with all the bugs all over you and getting into your hair," I state.

"I don't even want to think about it," he shivers at the thought.

We realise that the camp have started to wake up, most of them were up. "Good morning everyone!" Perri shouts, making a few of them jump. A couple of them shouting morning back. He starts to get up and walk down the stairs but realises I'm not following him. "You coming then?" he asks. 

"Do I have to? I'd rather stay up here, away from everyone and observe what events unfold," I joke.

"I will carry you down the stairs if I have to," he says.

"Fine, I'm coming," I reply, getting off of the bench and following him back to camp. 

When we got down, Didi and Kristy was already doing breakfast, rice and beans. We did save the fruit that we got last night for dinner to have for breakfast so we aren't having the same thing. We all sit down and have breakfast. Everyone was talking with each other. I just listened into a conversation Leah and Paul were having.

Accidental Love? - Perri KielyWhere stories live. Discover now