Day 8

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***Perri's POV:***

I sleep for a bit, but I spend most of the night just looking at Emily and thinking about fun memories we've had together so far. I still can't believe she has feelings for me. A girl I like feels the same way. 

When Leah told me Emily's story yesterday, it broke me. I don't understand why anyone would want to leave her. I for sure don't want to. Then I fall down a dark hole of thoughts, would it actually work if we do get together? I mean, she lives in London. I live in Essex. It's not too far away, but she would be finding a new show to be in. I'd be training and rehearsing too. We'd rarely see each other. And I definitely don't want her giving up her dream for me. Whenever she talks to be about musicals she just lights up. Most of the time I don't know what she is talking about but I enjoy seeing the pure happiness on her face. She loves to perform just as much as me. Maybe she could join Diversity?! No, what am I talking about. Right, stop overthinking and enjoy what's happening now.

I feel her move closer to me in her sleep. I look down at her, starting to feel a little sleepy again. The sun is nowhere to be seen so I decide to fall asleep again.

***Leah's POV:***

When I wake up everybody is up and dressed except Emily and Perri. They are still asleep. I hope everything works out for them because she deserves somebody like Perri. I get up and get dressed then sit back down in my hammock, looking in the direction of them.

"Whose going to wake them then?" Didi comes over to me and sits beside me, the other girls near by too.

"Not me," I say, "This is the best nights sleep Emily has got the whole time we have been here."

There's a moment of silence when we are just looking at them. That's not creepy, right?

"Have they always been this close?" Eliza asks.

"Well yesterday was the first time I didn't see them together," Fauna replies.

"I mean it's obvious the have mutual feelings," Kristy says.

"The only people who don't know it are themselves," Didi adds.

"Perri knows, we had a talk about it yesterday," I state.

"Let's just wake them when breakfast is ready," Eliza suggests. 

"If the boys can be quiet that long," I joke.

"Aww, look at them!" Lance points out to Ryan as they come back into camp. He isn't the quietest person.

"Can you ever be quiet?" Eliza jokingly whisper shouts.

"Okay, okay," Lance replies lowering his voice, "Are they actually gonna wake up?"

"I've got an idea!" Ryan states then turns to Lance and whispers something in his ear.

"Yes! Let's go!" Lance agrees and they run out of camp taking a couple of the pots.

A few minutes later the boys come running back into camp, shushing everyone and creeping up to Emily and Perri. Oh god, I know what they are going to do. I go to say something but it's too late.

***Emily's POV:***

"Oh My GOD!" I scream as I feel freezing cold water hit me, waking me up. I jolt up and see Lance and Ryan running away giggling. I think they were going to just run to the other side of camp but as they see Perri chasing after them they run out of camp. I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Breakfast is going to be ready soon, Emz," Leah tells me.

"Thanks, let me just go and get changed into dry clothes," I reply. I go and get dressed and as I am going back to camp I see the boys walking back up.

Accidental Love? - Perri KielyWhere stories live. Discover now