Meeting The Characters

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Tig Treager Tig is the Sergeant at arms of the Son's Of Anarchy Motorcycle Club of Charming California

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Tig Treager
Tig is the Sergeant at arms of the Son's Of Anarchy Motorcycle Club of Charming California. He is extremely fond of women, and a mechanic in both meanings of the word, He is extremely loyal to Clay Morrow, the President of the Son's, Clays wife Gemma and Clay's daughter Leena, and the club. Tig's often callous demeanor hides with unlikely sensitivity and strong loyalty.
Tig is a native of Charming, He has served time in prison. He has two daughters, Dawn and Fawn, from a previous relationship. He is in his mid Fifties. He is single but sleeps around with the crow eaters at the club.
His day job is as a mechanic at Teller-Morrow automotive.

Leena Morrow Leena is the only daughter of Clay Morrow

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Leena Morrow
Leena is the only daughter of Clay Morrow. She Lived with her mom most of her life and just recently lost her mom to cancer. She is a fully tattooed thirty year old. She works in the porn industry, and is a tattoo artist, she is also good with mechanical work. She just recently moved to Charming to be closer to her father Clay. She hasn't been in Charming in years. She knows who her father is and what he does for a living. She is very loyal to family and friends. She does have a disturbing past and has some mental health problems. Right now her life is great but it could be better.

Clay Morrow Clay is the President of The Son's of Anarchy

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Clay Morrow
Clay is the President of The Son's of Anarchy. He was the youngest of the First 9. He's married to Gemma Teller Morrow. He and John Teller,  the club President, opened the Teller-Morrow auto shop. He has one daughter, Leena Morrow.

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