Chapter eleven

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Tig stood by the car after Clay walked away. He thought about what Clay said. Tig really did have deep feelings for Lee. He was upset that he even said that he can't love someone and bring that someone he loves into this life. He was lying to himself and Lee.
It took him an hour after Clay's and his talk, to finally come to his senses.

He went to clean up and go to Lee's to talk.

Tig arrived at Lee's, it was ten minutes past four p.m.
He knocked on the door and waited. He knew she was home, Clay and Gem were just here not long ago and her truck was in the driveway.
He knocked again.. Nothing... He heard the dog's barking. He was getting worried. He knocked harder. He even yelled her name hoping that she would hear it.
He tried calling.. 'Voicemail'.. 
He really had a bad feeling.
He stepped back and kicked the door,  nothing.. He kicked again and harder.
Finally! The door fell open.
In Tig went. He put the dogs in their kennels and went to look for Lee. There was stuff everything from bottles of wine to bottles of beer.
His heart hurt that she was drinking that much.. He hurt her.
He went up stairs after checking the living room and kitchen. He checked her bed room and found her phone on her bed. He turned and seen the attached bathroom door shut. He went for it. It was locked. He knocked

"Lee.. Baby?" He called out.
"Baby, its me Tiggy" he tried again
He was sweating with fear.
He decided to kick this door in also.
The door flew open to the worst nightmare he has ever had.

He found Lee passed out in a small yet big puddle of blood.

"Oh baby.. Lee!" He yelled and ran to her and kneeled next her.
He put his ear by her mouth and heard her barely breathing.
"Oh god baby.. Wake up" he said grabbing the towel and putting it on her right wrist.
He seen her left wrist was also cut but that wasn't bleeding as bad.
He shook her to get her to wake up.
He was crying and breathing heavily. He reached for his phone and called Jax.

After three rings

"Jax.. Brother. I need you.. Its bad.. Oh god baby what did you do? Call Tara,  jax its bad. She won't wake up" Tig said frantically.

"Woah Woah.. Slow down brother. What happened?" Jax asked.

"Its Lee.. There blood everywhere.. I don't think she has long.. Please hurry" Tig said as he hung up the phone.

Tig grabbed Lee and sat back against the counter with Lee in his arms and waited.

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