Chapter twelve

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"Who was tha' " asked Chibs
Jax had a look of fear and sickness in his face
"Tig.. He's at Lee's. He didn't explain but we need to go. I need to call Tara." Jax said
Bobby, Chibs, Juice, Happy and Ratboy all got up and ran for the door.
Once outside Gemma heard them yelling at each other on what to do and to get to bring with. They had no clue on what was really going on.
Gem came out from the office and seen Jax on the phone with Tara.

"Tig didn't say much. Just that there was a lot of blood and that's she's and we need to hurry" he said

"Jax slow down. Where are they and how long has she been unconscious?" Tara asked.
"I'm not sure he didn't say" Jax said
At this point Gemma was close enough to hear Jax's pleads with his wife.

"Jax. What's going on? Blood.. Unconscious. What the fuck is going on?"

"Just grab anything babe, their at Lee's in her bedroom bathroom, and hurry"
He said hanging up.

"Jax. We got to go!" Chibs said.

Jax looked at Gem.

"Get in your car, follow us to Lee's. You'll see for yourself there's no time to explain now." He said.

"Where's Clay? He should be there fir his daughter" He asked also

"He's at Stockton talking to Otto" Gem said

"We'll call him at Lee's. I'm not sure on what is going on. Tig was freaking out and didn't say much."

"Jax!" Yelled Chibs

'I know. I'm coming" has said as he ran to his bike and hopped on.

They all started their bikes and took of towards Lee's house.

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