Chapter four

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Tig and Lee pulled into Teller-Morrow's parking lot. Tig parked his bike in the normal spot and got off.  He seen Lee still in her truck and had time to talk to Jax before she got out.

"Bro.. I can't.. I can't be around her.. I'm loosing my shit." Tig said.

Jax with a very confused look went to ask why as he seen Lee get out of her truck and realized what Tig was saying.

"Oh.. Uh yeah I get it.  My sis is hot and you want that. So go get it" Jax said.

"That's the thing Jax.. Yes I want that.. God knows how bad I want that. But with her she doesn't look like a one night stand, and I'm that." Tig said.

"Then be a man and don't make it a one night stand Tiggy." Jax said back.

"I can't love Jax. I've been in love once and that was ruined. I'm one hundred percent in this club and it takes most of my time. I sleep around with crow eaters for gods sake. I'm afraid I don't know how to love and Lee is a woman that should be loved." Tig confessed.

"Bro.. I don't know what to say to that. Take it slow then, don't rush into it. Get to know her more. And stop sleeping around with crows first off. Show Lee you want her for her"

"Yeah.. I can do that. But does she even want me?" Tig asked.

"I've seen the way my sis looks at you. She for sure wants you bro. One step at a time. Talk to her tonight. See where she really stands" Jax said.

A couple more hours later

The party is at full swing. Drunk members, crow eaters and everyone else all over. Lee is sitting at a table with Tara and Gem taking about whatever they can think of.

"I think I'm drunk" laughed Tara.

"Well sweetheart you had a bad day so you deserve it" said Gem

"What happened?" Asked Leena.

"Bad surgery today at work.. We had to operate on a new born that was born with its heart on the outside.. He didn't make it." Said Tara as she chugged her drink.

"Oh my god.. I'm so sorry, I don't think I could ever be a surgeon." Said Lee.

"Its hard but it does have its rewards at times" Tara said.

Across the room by the pool tables Tig, Bobby, Clay, Jax and Chibs were talking.

"You keep glancing at my daughter" Clay told Tig.

"Can you blame me?" Tig asked.

"Do you see her?  What's she wearing and how beautiful she looks?" Tig said.

"Just don't break her heart Tig, she needs someone strong in her life and the way you both look at each other.. I say your the one that will be strong for her. You both are two damaged souls that would be great for each other"
Clay said.

"Really? You want me to date your daughter.. Shit I thought this conversation was gonna go way different then it is" Tig chuckled.

(Irish accent)
"Brother.. Go for it. Get the girl" Chibs spoke up.

"I will. Just have to wait for the right moment." Tig said and thought about when the right moment would happen.

Three hours into the party

"You like Tig don't you?" Gem asked Lee.

Realizing Gem seen her staring at Tig she responded,

"Yes I do,  there is something that pulls me to him. Like right now.. I want to go over there and rip all his clothes off and maul him in hot steamy sex" Lee said as she looked away and turned her head back to Gemma.

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