Chapter five

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Tig just stood there as Lee walked out. He thought he should go after her but he couldn't move. He heard the door slam shut. She was gone.

He stood there for what seemed like years. He turned and grabbed a bottle of Jack and headed to his room. What would've been a regular drunk Tig night he decided nit to wake a crow eater up and bring her back to his room. So he decided to drink himself to sleep instead.

Lee woke up with a pounding headache.
She slowly rolled out of bed and stumbled to the bath room. Some time in the night she got overly hot and took her pj's off. She stepped into the shower and turned the water on. She just stood there. She may have been wasted last night but she remembered everything that happened last night.
The conversation with Tig to the kiss with Tig. She wanted him.. She wanted everything about him. But he didn't want what she wanted. She understood what he was getting at about not bringing someone he loves into the life he leads but she was just confused on why he couldn't try.

She finished up in the shower. It helped with the headache. She got out and still took something for her headache just in case.

She got dressed into heather grey sweats and a black over sized hoodie.

She went down stairs and started on the mess in the living room.

Two hours in and a million missed and ignored call's and text from Jax, Gem and Tig,  she finally was closer to getting the living room back to a living room.

There was a knock on the door. She got up to see who it was.

Jax was smiling through the door,

"Glad to see your alive, you we're pretty wasted last night" he laughed.

"Haha.. Yeah I'm alive.. How I'm not sure but here I am" she said and let Jax in.

"What's on your schedule today?" He asked.

"Just cleaning up. Finishing unpacking boxes and going to Luann's to tape the stuff." Jax said

"Oh the guys will love that" Jax smiled.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"The guys go over there once in awhile to watch" he said.

"Oh.. And today is one of those days?" Lee asked.

"Yeah.. Why do you ask?" Jax replied.

He must not know yet about last night.

"Well... After everyone left it was just Tig and I, it was going great we chatted and then... Well.. I kissed him" Lee said feeling hurt all over again.

"Oh yeah, Tig told me this morning. He seemed really upset about it" he said.

"So it was brought up" Lee thought.

"He was upset? He told me he doesn't want to bring a woman he loves into this life he has, and I want love Jax. I'm tired of being hurt." Lee said.

"Your right Lee. But he told me he change that for you. He told me there is something about you that he wants in his life. He wants to and would never hurt you" Jax said.

She didn't know what to say to this. She was stuck.

"Talk to him Lee, make it right. I've never seen him this frustrated before" Jax said.

"I'll try Jax" she said.

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