Chapter one

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Leena was excited to move to Charming. She knew her father but barely seen him through out her life growing up.
She thought about how it would be as she packed her stuff and loaded her GMC denali HD. 

Her mom had passed away two months ago to cancer

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Her mom had passed away two months ago to cancer. She had called her dad to see if she could move to Charming to be closer. He was happy she asked and agreed for her to be closer.
He even found her a house to move into. Gemma helped as well as furnishing the house for her before she gets there.

Its been a long two months getting her moms affairs in order

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Its been a long two months getting her moms affairs in order. She is excited just be done.

She was just finishing up pack we she heard the sounds of motorcycles pulling up out front. As she walked to the front of the house she thought

"I didn't ask for them to come to Lodi to help me... Damn it Clay

Lee always did stuff on her own. She took care if herself while her mom worked three jobs to keep a roof over head. Clay did send money now and again, but her mom put that aside for Lee's college tuition.
From a young age Lee always had a pencil in her hand drawing things. She was a talented artist. That's how she most of her tats.
In her moms final months Lee took care of her and everything else. She worked in the porn industry to make ends meet and to pay her moms hospital stays and all the medicine she got.

When she got to the front door she heard people talking.
She opened the door to Jax, Tig, Happy and Juice.

"Well" she smiled.
"Isn't this a surprise"

"Hey sis" Jax said as he stepped close to give her a huge hug.

"Hey Jax. It's been to long" she said as she hugged him and said hello to the other three.

"Jesus its been to long" said Tig, eyeing her up and down.

The guys haven't seen her in years. So seeing her the way she is now with all the tats and a porn star body.. They we're surprised.

"Yeah its been long..  Like a hundred tattoos ago long" she sadi and turned around to show her art work.

"Looks like Haps got some competition" Juice said looking at Happy.

Hap agreed saying "She's good, I give her that"

She was wearing a tank top that pretty much showed everything, and shorts.
It was a hot day in Lodi and she has been running from room to room packing what she could.

"Why are you guy's here?" She asked knowing it was Clay who sent them to help.

"We figured you needed help moving,  its a long way to travel to Charming from Lodi by yourself " Tig said not taking his eyes off Lee.

"That and Clay sent us" Juice added.

"Of course he did" Lee smiled.

"Most of the stuff that I'm bringing is packed, it just needs to be loaded into the truck" she said pointing to the truck.

"We can do that" Hap said in his rough ragged voice.

"Ok, I'll show you around and you guys can take the stuff out" she said Turing into the house as the guy's followed her.

She showed the guy's the house. She got to her moms room. She hasn't been in there since the EMT's took the body away. The door hasn't been open since.
She couldn't bring herself to open it.

"You ok doll?" asked Tig.

"I'll be fine.. It's just hard" she turned away from the door to look at Jax and Tig.

"It will be darling. But remember she is in a better place with no pain" Jax grabbed her for a hug as tears rolled down Lee's cheeks.

"I know... and I'm happy she isn't in pain anymore. The last month was hard on her and me both." Lee said.

"I went through a lot with her being sick.. And went through a rough time after she passed. Its just gonna take time" she added.

An hour went by and they were headed out to the vehicles to leave.

Lee shut the front door and hid the key under the rug, a friend was coming by to go through what was left of her moms stuff due to Lee not being able to do it.

She looked up at the house from the driveway. She couldn't bring herself to say goodbye. She turned and got into the passenger side of the truck. Tig in the driver seat. Jax and Juice on bikes and Happy in the van.

This was the first step to a new beginning.

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