Chapter thirteen

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When the guy's, and got there they weren't sure on what to expect.
They ran to the front door to see it was kicked opened hopefully Tig.
They tan inside and sent he digs barking from their kennels. Tara ran upstairs to the bedroom bathroom and seen the horror in Tigs face.

"She's barely breathing" Tig said caressing Lee's face.

Jax was right behind Tara and came into the room and then the bathroom. He stopped dead in his tracks.

"Oh my God.. " Jax said.

Tara already going through what she brought grabbed blood bags.

"Hang these up somewhere so I can get it into her now!" She said frantically. As Tara got Lee's arm ready fir an IV for a blood transfusion.

Chibs was next into the bathroom. He kneeled down on Lee's right side and moved the towel. Blood still pouring out.

"Keep applying pressure Chibs" Tara said as she got the IV done and one of the blood bags going.

She moved to Lee's right side and took her worst from Chibs hands.

"I need you to hand me stuff as I call out for it Chibs" Tara said as chibs got up and went fir Tara's medical bag.

"Aye doc " Chibs replied.

"Ok.. I need gauze and lots of it" said Tara.

Chibs handed her the qauze. Lee was still in Tigs arms as he watched Tara fix Lee's mess.

"Come on baby.. Wake up" he said as he also watched Lee's chest raise and fall.

"She'll be ok Tiggy. She's getting more blood and I'm gonna stitch her wrists." Tara said.

"I know doc" Tig said with a weak smile tear stains on his face.

A couple of hours later

Lee laid in her bed with Tig next to her.
She was still getting the blood transfusion.
She was coming to and Tig felt her move.
"Hey beautiful"said tig as her looked at her.
She started crying.

"Hey.. Hey doll its ok. Your ok. Tara was here in time to help" he said caressing Lee's head ad it load in the pillow next to him. He was in his right side faeing her.

"I.. I.. I'm so sorry.. I didn't mean it.. I was just so upset and I just.. I couldn't take it anymore" Lee said as tears fell again from her face.

Just then Tara walked in ti check on her and Tig.

"Oh your awake. Great. How are you feeling?" She asked

"Like I tired to kill myself... I'm so sorry." Lee apologized again.

"Baby.. Don't be. You we're in a tough spot. I should be the one to apologize. I did this to you." Tig said as Tara changed out one blood bag for another.
Lees color was slowly coming back as Tig wiped her tears away.

"I'll check on you again in a fee Lee" she said and left to GI down and tell the others lee was awake and was looking better.

"Tig.. Was that you pounding on the door?" Lee asked.

"Yeah babe.. Why?" He asked.

"I was in the middle of cutting and it startled me.. That's why my right wrist may have been really bad.. I cut to deep.. I didn't really want to die Tiggy, I just needed to feel something" Lee said

"I know baby. I get it, I am sorry doll for everything. Everything I said.. I was so wrong baby.. I have love for you. Deep burning love. I walked in and seen you in that puddle of blood unconscious and thought you were dead. My heart exploded and I feared the worst." Tig said as his voice was breaking as tears feel from his eye's. He was now sitting up with Lee's facing each other.

"Shit.. Alex.. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry I put you through that. I'm here alive and will never leave you. I have fallen in love with you too, but the things you said hurt me. When I'm with you I have no secrets... You see it all and through this attempt at ending all my pain you still love me?!" Lee said fiddling with her hands.

"I know.. I said things I really didn't mean. I feel in love with you the first time I seen you when you cane to visit your dad. I have wanted to feel what its like for you to be mine. I want to be able to go anywhere, any place with you being mine" Tig said putting his hands on Lee's face to pull her into a deep passionate kiss.

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