Chapter Nine

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Clay pulled up to the club house and parked his bike. Chibs, Bobby, Jax and Tig were in the shop when Clay walked up to them.

"Chibs, Bobby and Jax.. I need the room with Tig here" Clay said sadness showing on his face

No one moved, they just stared at each other.

"Go please.." Said Clay

The three of them left. It was just Tig and clay now. clay walked to the door and shut it.

"I just got back form Lee's place" Clay said

Tig who went back to working on a car didn''t say anything but the pang in his heart said it all.

"She didn't look so good. Drunk mostly. I guess you two have that in common" Clay kept talking

"The anger that poured through her also.. another thing you two have in common" Clay added

Tig was getting upset. He turned

"Why are you telling me this, like I care?" Tig said looking around the hood of the car

"Cause I know you Tiggy, I have seen the way you look at her. You have bee with her since she got to Charming always by her side until this all started" Clay said looking more sincere.

"So?" Tig said
"I was stupid and told her why I can't love women, I mean look at Ope, Donna's death.. cause of the club, Gem's rape.. cause of the club.. I can't love someone and bring them into this life, and I for damn sure not leaving the club just to find love."
Tig added.

"I'm not saying that that wasn't right.. It wasn't. But that was then. This is now.
It looks like she has lost all hope and faith. You know.. She suffers from manic depression and she is bipolar. It doesn't look like has been taking her medicine and the drinking on top of that..  I'm really worried Tig" Clay said.

"That's not my fault. She is a grown ass adult that makes her own decisions" Tig responded as he went back under the car hood

"It is your fault Tig. You lead her on this whole time since she got here. Then you tell her you don't want love.. She was right, She told me 'He'd rather be a man slut and sleep around with crow eaters'
and that my brother you are" Clay said shaking his head as he backed away.

Tig didn't move from where he was, he kept working on the car. What Lee said tore at him, but there was no fixing something that was not there.

He backed away from the car and kicked the front end in frustration. The car slightly feel off the lift and made a crashing sound. He looked around to see if anyone was around to hear it.
His eyes passed the office and he seen Gem standing in the window shaking her head.

He shrugged his shoulders and had a lost look on his face.

"Sweetheart.. I know that look" Gem asked as she cam into the shop.
She put her arm around him and pulled him close. He laid his head on her shoulder and cried.

"What look?" He asked

"The look of love baby.. You both have that look" Gem replied.

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