Chapter eight

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It's been three week's since Tigs melt down, It's been three weeks since Lee has been to Teller-Morrow or anywhere as a matter of fact.
She stopped taking her medications and was drinking a lot these day's.
Tig has been working on car's and doing run's with the club.
He's been in the ring also a lot, taking pain for the pain he felt for Lee.
Lee had to shut her phone off due to the obscure amount of calls and texts she has been receiving.
She was over this new life in Charming. She was thinking she was over her life when there was pounding on the front door.
She was sitting on the couch drinking when she heard it.
She ignored it, well.. she tried to.
The pounding got louder and louder.
She finally got up to go answer the door and seen Gemma and clay standing outside.
She opened the inside door to see what was up.

"Whats wrong?" Lee asked

"We're trying to see if your alive, It's been three weeks since we've or anyone has heard or seen you" Gem said

"You haven't been at work" Clay said

"So.." Lee replied

"So?" Gem repeated

"Yeah" Lee said

"I got you that job and you just decide not to show up cause of stupid little problem with Tig?" Gemma snapped

"Oh.. now this whole thing is stupid? You told me to go for it and I did and Tig doesn't want love. He'd rather be a man slut and sleep around with crow eaters with God know what they have. Then he has a break down and tells me he doesn't want to see see me or talk to me. I can't go to work when that's where he'll be." Lee yelled out of frustration.

"STOP IT BOTH OF YOU" yelled Clay.

"Tig has not slept with any crow eaters since you got here, and that's not him. I love Tig like a brother but he is a stupid shit. That man is in love with you he just doesn't know how to show it or say it. I haven't seen him head over heels in love with a woman like you in years. You both need to grow up and get over what ever is going on and just get to business" Clay said red in the face.

Lee just stood there and took the words Clay was throwing at her.

"Sweetheart.. You've clearly been drinking cause I can smell it through the screen door. Why don't i come in and help you get showered and dressed, Do your hair and make up ad come with me to the club house. You and Tig can both sit down and just talk about what's going on" Gem suggested.

"No.." Lee said looking off in to the distance

"Why not baby?" Asked Gemma

"I... I just... I'm not ready" Lee said with tears falling down her cheeks and shut and locked the door.

Gem and Clay looked at each other

"Well.. That wasn't what I was expecting" said Gem

"I'm really worried about her Gem, her depression and being bipolar.." Clay said.

"We'll keep an eye on her baby" Gem said kissing his cheek.

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