Chapter Two

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They were on the road. Tig driving Lee's truck, Jax and Juice on bikes and Happy in the van. Lee is on the phone with Clay,

"Yes dad, we are finally on the way." She said.

"Good to hear that hunny, I'm glad you are coming here. It's been to long and you shouldn't be alone in this time of need" Clay said.

Lee could hear the joy in his voice, He really did love his daughter even if he didn't see her much as she grew up.

"I'm am to dad, this will be a new start. I'm scared but this is what I need and I'm happy to do with all of you in Charming" she told Clay.

"I am happy to hear that hun, and we are all here waiting for you. We will help you as much as you need, Gem's got the house ready for you, the furniture came this morning and it is all set up, thanks to the prospects" Clay said.

"Great. I'm glad to hear that. I will call you again in an hour or so, we will be stopping to let the dogs run around and stretch our leg's" she said.

"Ok sweetheart, drive safe." Clay said and hung up.

We got a couple more miles into our trip and pulled over for the dog's out to run. Lee had two dog's, a male Akita named Moose and a Akita Husky mix named Deja.
(Moose in first pic, Deja in the second)

 (Moose in first pic, Deja in the second)

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They both have been barking to get out of the truck

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They both have been barking to get out of the truck.

"Finally!" said Tig as he put the truck in park.

"They're not that bad.." She turned her head and said.

"Oh no doll I love all animals but the non stop barking for the past couple of miles is annoying" he said as he got out of the truck to let the dogs out.

"And your non stop eyeing me up and down isn't?" Lee shot back as she walked to his side of the truck.

"Well.. Can you blame me? I mean look at you..  Your beautiful" he said with a Tig smirk on his face with an eyebrow raised.

"No I can't blame you, I worked hard for this body and I'm proud of it" Lee replied.

"Jesus one hundred or so miles and you both are already fighting.. " Jax said as he walked up to the both of them.
Tig looked at Jax and said

"You kidding? We're not even close to fighting. I don't fight with beautiful women I like" he said realizing what he said and saying out loud so everyone plus Lee could hear.

Lee turned so he could not see her blush. She had a thing for Tig when she came to visit her dad. There was something about him that she wanted. She knew how crazy he was but she didn't care. She wanted him, but knew how many women he slept around with. Knowing most of them we're the crow eaters at the club. She also knew that he wasn't someone to fall in love and she wanted love not a one night stand. She really couldn't say anything though she was in the porn industry but that's different and she mostly did girl on girl. She rarely did girl and guy stuff.

"I'm gonna go over to the dog's" she said and walked away still blushing.

Tig and Jax's convo

"I don't ever recall you looking at any women like that before today Tiggy" Jax smiled.

"I know she is your sister but hot damn she is hot. Plus there is something about her, I can't put my finger on it but there's something." Tig said.

"You do know how crazy she? Just be careful man.. She has mental illnesses and doesn't need her heart broken anymore then it is." Said Jax.

"Don't worry brother, I won't be that man" said Tig.

Lee with Juice, Happy and the dogs

"You happy to be coming to Charming?" Juice asked Lee.

"Yeah I am. I wish I could've been there more growing up. But it was hard, my mom worked three job just to keep  roof over our heads and we really never had the time. So when we did get there I never wanted to leave. So yeah I'm happy to be coming back" Lee said.

"Your dads happy too, he has been talking non stop about his little girl coming home" Happy replied as he threw a ball to the dog's.

"Really?" Lee asked.

"Really" said Jax walking over," its all he talks about." He added.

"Well I'm glad to hear that" Lee said smiling and thinking,

"I'm glad I chose this path to come to Charming. I don't think I could've survived in that house by myself any longer, not with what really happened after moms death"

Lee suffers from major depression, sever anxiety and bipolar disorder. She never told Clay what happened after her moms death.
It started two months ago right after her moms funeral.
She started drinking heavily knowing she shouldn't with the medications she is on, but she did it anyways. She got into some trouble with the drinking. She spent nights in jail for it but she kept going. She made two suicide attempts, she got into altercations after altercations at bars, that she is now not allowed back into. It was just a bad months.
She was over the moon happy to be leaving Lodi and the memories of the bad things she did. She wasn't ready to leave her memories of her mom behind, that was gonna take some time.

"Alright, let's get going again " Tig said and clapped his hands.

Lee whistled for the dog's and walked them over to the truck to get them back in.
She turned and hugged Jax, Juice and Happy and thanked them for all the help, and told them,

"I'm glad to be a part of this family again. Wish it would've been sooner"

"Oh darling" Jax said "you were always a part of this family"

"Thanks Jax" she said and got into the truck.

"Don't do anything Tig like" Jax said to Tig as he walked around to get into the truck.

"Jesus man.. You don't trust me?" said Tig as he smirked his Tig smirk.

They were yet again on the road to go home to Charming.

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