Chapter Three

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Two weeks after arriving in Charming.

Lee was still going through boxes and unpacking stuff. She was surprised at how much crap she had.

She made piles of stuff she was gonna keep and stuff to donate.
She was starting to hate herself for not doing this back in Lodi.

Gemma got her a job at Luann's place. Also Happy had a friend who owned a tattoo shop right inside of Charming and got her a interview. So she had some good stuff going for her. Now if only she could get these boxes unpacked..

She decided to take a break and was sitting outside on her porch as Tig rolled up into her driveway.
He got off his bike and walked up to where she was sitting. Lee grabbed a beer from the cooler next to her and handed it to him.

"You know its only 10am right,? " he asked as he held in it his hand.

"Its 5 o'clock somewhere" she said as she shrugged her shoulder's.

"If you seen the mess inside you'd want a beer break as well" she added as she waved her hand to the front door leading to the living room. Tig walked over and peered inside.

"Holy shit woman." He said and opened his beer and drank from it slowly walking away from the mess.

"I'd ask if you want help but that is a mess" he said and sat down next to Lee.

"Why do you think I'm out here sitting and drinking?" She asked.

"I've been in there for two weeks unpacking and going through stuff..  I should've done it in Lodi" she said.

"Well we can change that." He suggested.

"How so?"

"Gems putting a party together as we speak for tonight at the club. Why don't you take your little sexy ass up stairs,  take a shower and get dressed into something and come with me" Tig said.

"Little sexy ass? Wow Tiggy.. If I didn't know better I think someone has feelings for someone." She said chucking.

She got up out of her chair to go shower and get ready, she leaned across Tig to get another beer for her and one for Tig.
As she did this Tigs eyes and heart went crazy as he could clearly see right down Lee's shirt to her chest. He wanted to put his hands all over her but didn't. He didn't want to ruin what was not there.
He had feelings for her, he wanted to tell her but he couldn't find the right words. Plus he wasn't even sure if she felt the same way. Over the two weeks she had been here he's been in and out of the house checking in on her and they would talk. The talks we're good. He rarely held a conversation with women. To him women were a good lay and then he'd never see them again.
But Lee, there was something about her. He wanted more of her then just a great lay. So he waited.

"I'll be right back. Help yourself to what ever in the house Tiggy." She said and went up to the bathroom to shower.

After her shower she got ready for the party. Lee's a typical woman so it took her hours to pick something to wear.

She did her make up and hair and went down stairs to Tig sitting in her living room looking at the mess

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She did her make up and hair and went down stairs to Tig sitting in her living room looking at the mess.

He looked up and lost it

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He looked up and lost it. Little Tiggy wants to play hard with Lee right now.
Lee noticed this and said,

"I say you look a little jealous Tiger?" Lee asked.

"Kinda" he just stared at her.

It seemed like hours before anyone said something.

"What time is the party? " Lee asked. It was now 2 o'clock.

"Gem's still setting up and getting food ready" Tig said trying to take his eyes away from Lee.

"Ok.. Well we can go and I can help her"

"That'd be nice, she'd like that." He said as he finally got up and turned so he couldn't see her.

He walked the door and opened it,

"you wanna ride with me or ride alone?" He asked already regretting asking as he had to adjust his pants.

"I'll take my truck" she said. She already seen the bulge in his pants grow and didn't want it to get worse. Plus she wasn't sure how'd he'd drive with that happening.
She grabbed her purse and locked the front door.
She headed to her truck and got in.

"I guess that situation answers my question. I think Tiggy likes me as much as I like him" Lee thought to herself.

She smiled and pulled out of the driveway. She was content.

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