Chapter six

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Lee arrived at Cara Cara. She walked in and found Luann.

"Hey beautiful" Luann said as she was going through sets.

"Hey Luann, where do you want me?" Lee asked.

"Gem gave me some of your background. You do mostly girl on girl?" Luann asked.

"Yes that's correct" Lee replied.

"I'll have Lyla here show you where to get ready, and we can set something up after" Luann said as Lyla came over to show Lee where to go.

"Ok thanks" Lee said and walked with Lyla to a back room.

"This is where all the girls get ready. We share all the clothes unless you have some at home you'd like to wear. Everything gets washed of course" Lyla said with a smile.

"Ok, I do have stuff at home I can bring in for us" Lee said

"Awesome, Luann said you've done this work before you came here" said Lyla

"Yes, my mom had cancer and the bills weren't cheap" Lee told Lyla

"Oh no... I'm so sorry to hear that hun.. It must've been hard?" asked Lyla.

"It was.. But we got through it and now I'm here" Lee said

"Plus the guys at the club, Gem and Tara have been a huge help, and now Luann and you too" Lee added.

"We are all family here so make yourself at home" Lyla said.

"Plus you'll see me a lot since I'm Opie's old lady" Lyla added.

"Oh yeah, Tig told me who was who. Its nice to put a name to a face" Lee said.

"Ok that's good, glad they told you about everyone" she laughed.

"Yeah... " Lee said

Lyla noticed Lee go quiet and stare off into space.

"You ok?" Lyla asked

"Yeah.. I'm ok just something that happened at the club last night between Tig and I" Lee explained what happened.

"Oh.. Sorry. Just talk to him. Tig is the most loyal man I have ever met. He may not seem like it but he really does have a heart full of love.. Even if he doesn't know how to show it" Lyla said.

"Thanks Lyla. That means a lot" Lee said.

"No problem" Lyla said back.

Lee started looking through stuff to wear for her shoots.

Tig, Happy, Chibs and Bobby just pulled into the lot at Cara Cara.

They stopped before the door to smoke and bet on what was being filmed today.

"Whatever it is it better be good" Said Tig.

"Its Luann" said Bobby "it will definitely be good" he added.

They all walked in and was finding a spot so they could watch.

Tig was walking to a couch close to the dressing room. The door opened and out walked Lee.

Tigs heart dropped instantly with what she was wearing.

Lee was shocked to see him

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Lee was shocked to see him. She was stunned and didn't know what to say.

"Uh.. Hi.." Tig broke the ice.
He couldn't take his eyes off her.

Lee wanted to say what on her mind but judst couldn't. She was a deer caught in headlights.

"Tig!" Shouted Chibs

"Yeah!" Tig yelled back.

"We got a close spot. Come sit down" Chibs said as he turned to see what tig was up to.

"Oh shite" Chibs said.

Tig broke his gaze at Leena to look over at Chibs.

"I'm coming.. Calm down" he yelled at Chibs

Tig took one more look at Lee and turned to walk to the guy's. He was yelling at himself for not saying more to Lee.

A couple hours later

Lee was at home when her phone rang.

"Hello" she answered.

"Hey sweetheart. Its Gem.." Lee could hear people talking and yelling in the back ground.

"What's going on Gem" Lee asked.

"Well.. Its Tig.. He's been drinking heavily since he got back from Cara Cara and he pretty much tore the club apart. He is yelling at himself abo..." Gem couldn't finish.

"I need her" yelled Tig in the background, then a slam of a door.

"What the?" Asked Lee.

"He just went into his room, the door is locked.. You should really come over here and talk to him Leena" Gem said.

Lee was hurt all over again. But she knew this needed to be done.

"Ok I.. I'm on my way" Lee said and hung up the phone.

When Tig got back to the club house he was furious. He enjoyed watching the ladies at Cara Cara but Lee?
He didn't know she had it in her to do the stuff she did. He wanted her and hated himself for not being able to love anyone like that.
He walked to the bar and sat down, head in his hands.

"Can I get you something?" asked Chucky.

"Yeah a something strong.. Make it five something strong" said Tig not lifting his head

"Coming up boss" said Chucky

Chucky liked to experiment with drinks lately so he pours shot after shot of alcohol on alcohol mixed with more alcohol and Tig drank. Emotions and anger rising, Tig didn't want to hear anything about Lee or hear her name. That os until Gem walked in with Clay talking about Lee. Tig drunk already on Chucky alcohol concoctions, he stood up seen red and lost it.
Chairs flew.. Tables flew, beer bottle after beer bottle. Punches were thrown between Tig and the guys that tried to stop him. Word's we're exchanged.
Gemma got on the phone and called Leena.

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