Chapter seven

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Lee pulled into Teller-Morrow and parked her truck.
She was worried about Tig so she jumped out and ran in.
She walked into a mess. Chairs and tables all tipped over.
The Tig she knows wouldn't do this.
Did she even really know him at all?
They had conversations over the time she has been here but still didn't know each other deeply yet.

"Oh thank god your here" Said Gem.

"What happened?" Asked Lee

Clay walked over to Lee and Gem.

"He's drunker then he's ever been. Its quiet now so he's probably passed out in his room. Jax took his bike keys to make sure he wouldn't leave. But this..." Clay said waving his hands around

"This is not Tig at all. And hun.. I think your a part of it. I've never seen him so upset before over a woman.. Not even his ex old lady. You need to talk to him" Clay added

Lee looked around in disbelief. She felt so mad at herself. She should've said something at Cara Cara when they were standing by each other.

"Ok.. Wish me luck" she said and turned to head towards his room.

She walked down the hallway and stopped st his door.. Quiet.. She didn't hear anything on the other side.
She laid her right hand on the door and her left reached for the handle.. Locked..

She was scared. She wasn't sure how this was gonna go.
She knocked and waited... Nothing..
She knocked again a little louder... Still nothing.. Fear crept in.. She stood there for a couple of minutes and heard something move around.. She heard sniffling.

"Oh Jesus.. He's crying" she thought.

She knocked again "Tiggy" she said


"Tiggy its me Lee" she thought that would make him open the door.. It didn't.

"Open the door please Tig" she said tears start to fall.

"Please talk to me Tig.. I'm so sorry.. For everything" she said.

Still nothing.. She heard glass bottles moving around.

"Tig" she said.

"Go away.. I don't want you here.. I don't want to see your face.. Just go away" and then a crash of a glass bottle hitting the door from Tigs side.

Lee jumped back in shock..

"Ok" she whispered as more tears fell..

She turned and walked back down the hallway. She walked pass Clay, Gem,  Jax and the others. She walked out of the club house to her truck and she drove home.

She was hurting bad. She didn't know what to do to make this better. She home and she cuddled her dog's and cried.

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