Chapter 1: You can't get rid of me that easy

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Chapter 1: You can't get rid of me that easy

"Hop" joyce barely said while crying near the place she last saw him before the explosion. She could barely get out any words when she mouthed "come back" while still profusely crying.

Murray came running from behind her and turned her around and asked "Jim. Where's Jim?" Joyce just looked at him crying. "Jim? Well he's right here" joyce and Murray stood there in shock and they both slowly turned to where they heard the voice.

"Hopper!" Joyce screamed as she ran over to hug him. "I..I th-thought you were gone" she managed to say. "you can't get rid of me that easily" Hop said with a grin and a light chuckle and Joyce returned the same.

All of a sudden there's a loud bang as the control room door swings open. The three of them look up confused "something in Russian" one Russian guard says. "We've gotta go NOW lovebirds!" Murray yells. Hopper grabs Joyces hand and all three of them make their way back to the air ducts.


Walking through the parking lot at the mall joyce and hoppers hands were intertwined while their eyes were searching for their kids. Will spots joyce and they run to each other and pull each other into a hug. Hopper smiles at seeing them but then quickly starts looking for El again. El starts looking around and sees Hop, she starts to cry and running towards him. Hopper walks towards her and meeting her with a hug. "you did good kid" he said with tears in his eyes as he pulled away from a kiss he placed on the top of her head.


Joyce was sitting in the back of an ambulance with a blanket rapped around her as hopper came walking up to her. "Hey" he said with a smile as he sat down next to her. "Hey" she said back. "So... from what the kids have described to me the cabin is pretty destroyed" he said with a small laugh. "I uh... was wondering if me and El could maybe stay with you until I finish fixing up the cabin? I can stay on the couch if that's fine with you and El could stay in Wills room and" "Yeah Hop?" She said interrupting his plead "y-yeah?" He said with a slight studder. "I will be happy to have you both stay with us" she said with a smile. "okay thanks" he said with a smile back to her.


A/N: I don't know what happens right after all the crazy stuff because they never show it and I know this wouldn't happen but this is how my dream went 😂


When everyone had got some food in them and was all cleaned up Will, El, and Jonathan headed off to bed. Joyce and Hopper sat up for awhile talking and smoking their cigarettes at the kitchen table about what all just happened.

"It's getting kinda late, we should probably get some sleep" Hop says getting up from the table. "Yeah. well uh night" Joyce says with a depressed tone. "Night" Hopper says making his way over to the couch. As Hopper was situating himself to get comfortable he turns his head to see joyce leaning against the wall running her arm up and down with a nervous look saying "um could you stay in my room for tonight I don't really want to be alone" she says with tears starting to form. "Yeah.. of course" Hop says lifting himself off the couch.

As joyce and hopper layed down she gives him a funny look. "Hop you know you can get under the covers. You don't have to freeze" she said with a laugh. He looks at her with a dumb look "Oh ah thanks" he says with a small laugh.

"Hop" she says looking down and playing with her fingers. "I th-thought I lost you... how did you survive that?" "uh..I'll tell you exactly what happened tomorrow. okay?" He says with a genuine look, Joyce shook her head in agreement. "Joyce." she slowly lifts her eyes to meet his and he can see tears in her eyes. "You will never loose me." He says with a reassuring voice. He then shifts over in the bed to pull her into a hug. She leans into the hug and digs her head into his chest with her hands holding on to his shirt. "I'll never leave you" he says after kissing the top of her head with tears in his eyes. "I'll never leave you" he says again with a whisper

A/N: I hope you all liked my first chapter and I know it's bad but my next chapters are alot better and longer.

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