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"we're going to have a test tomorrow, because we have reviewed this chapter for so long so prepare your stationeries." the teacher said as she closed her math book, and younghyun immediately walked out, not saying a single thing because he got mad they have two tests for tommorow and those subjects are the subjects that he most hate: math and biology.

turning on and starting the car, he suspected his classmate who sat next to him. similar, but he didn't know where he came from.

the supermarket? mom's friend's son?


pressing on the gas, he spun left then right, still keeping his pace with the kid with long ass legs that walk way too fast. faster than him. but he remembered that he has a brother to pick up. waiting for the red light to turn to green, younghyun looked left and right, then straight towards his brothers school, where the squirrel like boy stood looking around like an idiot.

he loved his brother, but sometimes jisung could get out of hand and eventually too far until younghyun wanted to beat him for his teasing and all. that's why the older would want a room of his own instead of sharing. but their family's money isn't much to buy a larger house for him to have his own room without noisiness coloring the place.

"what took you so long?" jisung yelled as he threw his bag in first before getting in himself, and realised late that he threw his bag all the way to younghyun's face. "I hate you so much."

"whatever, just go!"

and after they reached home, they forgot to buy milk for their mom, which makes younghyun even mad that day that he has to buy it, and in the supermarket he had to wear a dark hoodie to not interact with people.


he kind of met the emo guy and knew that they are neighbors, but from three blocks away and stuff. the car ran out of gas so he couldn't take the car thats day but have to drag his brother to the bus where he finds the empty seat and placed jisung there while he saw a vacant one next to a guy whose eating food that smell like rotten eggs and would have to shoulder-to-shoulder with some people because the bus is full of working people and smelly foots of street workers.

okay. study for math and biology for a test. just focus.

but he couldn't after a few minutes of reading the same sentence over and over again. he got distracted with a lot of things which include having to buy milk for his mother but he completely forgot because his brother is going home with him instead of his friends, and the so called "emo boy" that he encountered. sure, that boy has been there with him, but he is known for having no friends ever since his older sister passed away from drunk driving. at least that is what he heard. maybe the cat was a bad one.

that boy appeared on his dream. he could feel it; tall, skinny, hoodie obsessed.

the test seem a little too hard.

he placed his pen next to him because he knew that that last question is too much. he never saw one question like that; it's strange and never taught. who cares, he's going to pass anyway because it's the last number and he's sure of the other one.

the younger looked around, and saw a little bit the emo guys paper, written a name:

Name: Park Jaehyung

he didnt even put the date. minus five.

"hey." younghyun whispered softly to the kid. "what?" "the date. you forgot the date?

"oh. I thought of two things. wanna do both?" jae asked, smiling a bit. it's the first time younghyun heard jae said a word, or even smile.


"hyung, help me with this problem!" jisung yelled from the opposite side of the room, his large eyes begged him to come there and help. younghyun groaned as he lazily approach his younger brother. "what is it?"

as the younger boy complained about the problems his head went empty, not knowing where is it headed, ignoring his brother as he speaks. "are you listening to me?" jisung hit his shoulder, which makes him come back to the real world. "uh-yeah! this is..."

"see? you're not listening t-"

"kang jisung, come down please."

the younger child went out of his seat and rushed to the front door where his mother is, while younghyun is still processing the questions that he saw. but his mind went back to the boy, his classmate. who is he even?

the world looks a little wierd.

it's like a thousand years away from where he really lived. robots are swarming everywhere to every door, and one is coming his way.

his hand tried to grasp something like a table to keep himself balanced but there is actually nothing.

he's scared.

"do i know you?" younghyun asked as he put his body lower to avoid the robot. the robot didnt answer. however, he felt a tug from his leg and realised that the robot is holding him upside down.

things got even scarier when he knows that he's going to be taken somewhere. "w-where? where are you taking me you- ah!" younghyun couldnt really process what the actual heck is going on, but as soon as he didnt feel stainless steel on his leg, he panicked and looked up.

its like falling down the deep depths of hell, its so dark and-

"ah dont kill me please!"

jisung looked back to see his big brother, who looked terrified. "you look like a kid who's seen a ghost. you good?"

"um, yes!"
"well you better get ready now since dad's here!"


you're my nightmare, and i love you✔️ {p.jh+k.yh}Where stories live. Discover now