♡Capitulo Dos: Court♡

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Aminia POV

This morning we went to the park with Lily and Cesar, and I can tell that Oscar's brain is elsewhere. Tomorrow we have a court date with Lily's mother. I cannot understand how someone cannot love their own daughter, especially my almost stepdaughter.

I come next to Oscar and kisses his hand and holds it: "What do you think of going out to breakfast before court tomorrow? I think it will help both you and Lily to relax. Remember last time she had a hard time concentrating."

Oscar looks over at me and sighs, "thank you Mamacita, for thinking ahead of me. Maybe we can order McDonald's and eat in the car before court."

Lily comes next to Oscar and snuggles in his hold "i love you papi, from the moon and back"

*The next morning*

Judge Ulises: "this is the case of custody rights for Liliana Diaz, and with the proof that has been brought up to me. I am giving full physical custody to her mother Katie Woods, with weekend visits with father Oscar Diaz." (no one knowing that the judge is a dirty judge)

Oscar Diaz: (tense trying to stay calm looks at lawyer) " how is she allowed this? I have not been in trouble in over 5 years and even stayed clean for my daughter. She has been arrested 3 times this year alone," looks over at daughter and gets her soft and sees Katie try and get her from me. "Can you at least let us have a moment before you take my daughter for a week?"

I come next to them and holds Oscar hand tight and wipes Lily face, "hey sweet girl, you be good for your mother and we will see you Friday night. Now daddy needs one of your big hugs and don't forget that we love you. 

Lily in dads hold snuggled next to his neck, "Daddy I will be good and I can't wait to see you on Friday, I love you from the moon and back," hugs him tight and gives him kiss on cheek and runs to mom. 

Oscar watches them go and hand shaking looks at Aminia hands her keys, "Can we please go anywhere but home?"

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