♡Capitulo Veintiún: Norma Admitted♡

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Norma incredibly quiet on ride and looks at Ray with tears rubbing his hand looks at paramedic, "Thank you for coming to get me."

Paramedic Joseph looks at her, "Don't worry ma'am, what matter is that you accepted you need help. The mental health hospital we are taking you is brand new and each patient has their own room. Because you are disabled, they have specific rooms for you that are a tad wider."

Norma nods and Ray speaks up and hands them her medicine, "When I spoke to her psychologist, she said that to give this to you guys."

Joseph nods and documents each one in the system, "I need you to be honest Norma, from 1 to 10 how suicidal do you feel right now?"

Norma looks at him and looks at my hand, "Today I feel like a 5 or 6 but it was because I haven't had time to think. My adopted daughter and granddaughter, had me busy all day helping. When I have time to think it can go up to a 9, as I told Ray: yesterday, I wanted to take extra pill to just sleep the whole day. I didn't get to know my son until he was 25, and deep in my heart I feel that he has never forgiven myself or his dad."

Ray watches them take her straight to get checkup and sits in waiting room calls Oscar, "Son, can I ask you a question? This question is holding heavily on your mom. Did you forgive your mom and I?"

Oscar sitting with Mini on couch working on IT work from computer listening on speaker, "Dad, I forgave both of you long time ago, and it breaks my cold heart that  is what is killing mom. What can I do to help her? I even got out of retirement and killed that cabrona who almost killed her. Cesar called and said to let him know when she can have visitors."

Ray looking at hands, "I will let you all know, the paramedic said that the first two week they  will let her see me. Her psychiatrist put in a request for her to see you after the first days. They believe her talking to you will help, and we can video chat with her."

Mini puts our laptops away and holds your hand as done after 8 hours, "Ray let us know what we can bring her clothes wise and stuff. We are going to tell Lily this weekend about it, I doubt they will let her or Antonia visit, but she would love to talk to her."

Ray rubbing my wedding ring and nods, "Thank you both, I am going to stay here until they officially get her in a room."

Oscar POV

Watching Mini rubbing my chest, "I wish I could talk to her; I didn't know she thought I didn't like her. I am not happy about my childhood or that I had to be a leader of a gang, but that is not her fault. If anyone I would blame my dad, but thanks to you and Lily and Little and Big Cesar I have learned to forgive them two."

Mini looks at me with tears and rubs my forehead knowing I am stressed hands me 2 Excedrin and water, "once you can visit her you should tell her, I don't think you ever actually sat down and told her. You two never spoke about anything, you just told her that you were okay with her."

Looks at her and takes both and water, "I never thought that, but you have a point, thank you for the medication you know what stress brings. And tomorrow we have court with that loca."

Goes to bed and we get naked and have sex and then she is laying on me rubs her back.

Norma POV

Looks at the psychologist as he takes my evaluation nervous, "I would appreciate as much help as possible, I know my husband told you guys my history, and how my mother tried killing me more than once."

Sees him nod, "My name is Dr. Stephan Johnson, and you can call me Stephan. You are going to be here for 3 months, this includes Physical and Mental Therapy, one group session a week, and you will meet with me twice a week. From reading your file, after the first 2 days I will allow your husband and your son Oscar to come, after 2 weeks I will allow anyone you add to a list. Unfortunately we cannot allow minors under 16 but we will allow you to video chat, if you don't have a phone we have tablets." Sees him go through drawers and hands her a file and notebook, "I want you to write here daily. There is button next to your bed, if you get any thoughts press that button, I don't care if it is 3 in the morning. Since its your first night here we will allow your husband to stay until you fall asleep."

Ray comes in after they request him and introduces himself, "Thank you for taking my wife in short notice." Stephan looks at him, "As I told her our facility is always open, I lost my mother to depression and suicide 5 years ago, that is when I got the idea of starting the facility. I told Norma that tonight you can stay with her until she falls asleep, in 2 days you and your son can visit."

Ray nods and smiles, "Can Oscar and his wife call her tomorrow they need to explain to our 3 year old granddaughter and I know she will want to say hi?" Stephan nods, "As long as she is okay and is stable she can talk to anyone. The only time we will stop it is if we know she is a danger to herself or others. Right now she is okay."

Smiles listening as they wheel me to room with my bag that they dropped off and sees him leave looks at Ray rubs his hand as he gets me on bed and kisses him as he sits next to me, "I am a tough cookie I got this."

Ray puts his cross around me and I lay head on his chest as much as can tired calls Oscar, "Hey sweetheart, I will be okay. Dr. Stephan says that you can come after 2 days." Sounding hopeful.

Oscar smiles at phone while rubbing Mini head, "Mom I will be there in 2 days, ask if I can bring you Dwaynes for lunch, he asked about you and asked if you could get food. His wife also made you some warm blankets." I smile at phone and nervous, "Mijo, one reason for my breakdown is because I thought you still hated me."

Oscar speaks, "Mom I had a long talk with Mini about that. I don't hate you, I hate your mother for what she did. You have earned my respect and love since met you. I love you and I will tell you that on a daily basis."

Please don't forget:

Please don't forget:

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