♡Capitulo Ocho: Target Trip♡

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Oscar finishes work and sends files to boss. Sends e-mail to the boss to call about a reference letter for court. Comes in the master bedroom and sees Aminia looking at her belly and smiles wanting to touch it.

Aminia looks over and smiles wide, "I was trying to find something to wear to court tomorrow, and nothing fits, come look at our baby."

Oscar comes over and rubs your belly and feels the bump, "You are barely showing, but without your shirt on I can feel our rainbow baby." Goes on knees and kisses your belly soft, "Hi little one this is daddy, mommy and I and sister already love you." Goes through our dresser and hands you a flannel, "How about I take my girl shopping for clothes and then when we get home, I will make tacos?"

Aminia looks over at him and gets purse, "As long as we pass by Rite Aid and get Thrifty Vanilla Ice Cream and ooh some double stuffed oreos." Oscar smiles driving and kisses your hand, "Anything for you, today is dedicated to you."

They go to Target and Aminia finds a dress and few shirts and jeans in maternity 

They go to Target and Aminia finds a dress and few shirts and jeans in maternity 

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Oscar smiles at all of it and pays and also pays for rocker and crib-in-all we found and helps her in car

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Oscar smiles at all of it and pays and also pays for rocker and crib-in-all we found and helps her in car.

Oscar smiles at all of it and pays and also pays for rocker and crib-in-all we found and helps her in car

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Aminia smiling looks over at Oscar and sees Katie on sidewalk in front of house, "Damn it why is it that she has to always ruin our day?"

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Aminia smiling looks over at Oscar and sees Katie on sidewalk in front of house, "Damn it why is it that she has to always ruin our day?"

Oscar looks at Katie at sidewalk and sighs, "Aminia stay in the car and lock the door. Love you know where my gun is and if she tries anything shoot," kisses her and rubs your belly, "If you see her try anything call Sad Eyes and Flaca."

Katie sees Oscar come over to her and hands him a folder, "This is a court order DNA test, our court date got moved for when your results come back." Shows him other papers, "this is a restraining order for your crazy friend, this is another order for you to bring MY daughter back on Monday." Reading the paperwork and looks at her in the eye, "I am going to take this stupid DNA test and prove to you who the hell the father is, and then fight for full custody. Now get off my property before I call the cops." Feels her slap me and try to cut me and gets her hand with the Spooky anger, "get out of my face and go walking very slowly because you might just find someone that hates you worse than me.''

Sees her leave and comes to car and helps Aminia out and gets bags and her purse and kisses her, "Apparently no court tomorrow instead I have to deal with a DNA test. Apparently, she can't tell that my daughter looks like Cesar and I from when we were kids. Then on top of that she got that judge to give her an order for Lily to go back on Monday." Trying to stay calm holding Aminia hand, "If I was the old me, I would have shot her right there and then I wouldn't have cared, but I have to think of you and my kids."

Brings my laptop to counter for you to sit on stool and hands you a glass of ginger ale, "You want chicken or carne asada tacos?" Aminia thinks and smiles drinks some ginger ale, "Can we have both, please and thank you?"

Oscar takes everything out of the fridge and starts the stove with both the carne asada and chicken. Goes back to fridge and gets a corona and drinks some and starts the food on stove and get the lettuce and tomato ready and puts on bowls, "Do you mind if I ask them to bring Lily early? What if our girl is not mine? What if she tricks the DNA results?"

Aminia comes next to him and rubs his cheek, "Of course we can go get our little girl, and as of today you and I go through all this together. Lily has your eyes, dimple, hair, smile, attitude, their is no way that she is not yours." Goes and sits on stool and goes through laptop, "I wanted to bring something up to you Oscar, something that came up on my brain when I was in the hospital." Looks at her hands, "We aren't married but I want some type of paper that states you can make any decisions for me if anything happens." 

Oscar gets tacos and everything on table and helps you sit, "Baby one of these days we will get married, and yes we can get all the paperwork done for both of us. I want you on everything even the mortgage, we will get this all done on Monday after work." Rubbing her back as we eat texts Sad Eyes, "Can you guys bring over Lily? And tell Flaca that we can have that talk after my girls go to bed."

Aminia finishes and lays head on your shoulder and kisses your chin, "Tell Sad Eyes that they owe me ice cream, since his best friend didn't buy it." 

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