♡Capitulo Dieciocho: Sweet Antonia♡

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Flaca POV

Holds Tony hand as they get epidural in and trying to stay still listening to Tony say soothe words, "It hurts really really bad Tony

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Holds Tony hand as they get epidural in and trying to stay still listening to Tony say soothe words, "It hurts really really bad Tony." Tony rubs my shoulder and nods, "I know love but think of it this way at the end our little girl will be here."Sees him rub my belly and see how hard it is and worry smiles, "I get told that is normal, our little girl is definitely kicking my bladder I feel her little feet."

Dr. Maldonado looks at Tony, "She is at a 5 and with the epidural it will help the pain, I normally recommend my patients at this point to rest, we will be checking on her every 30 minutes."

Mini smiles at door and shakes Dr. Maldonado hand, "Hey I finally see you outside of being your patient now you are my best friends doctor." Smiles and comes next to me and kisses my head and rubs my belly, "Hey little one I hear you are ready to see your crazy family. How are you doing Flakita?"

Hears my nickname and tries to wipe my tears, "Right now great, they just put the epidural in so don't feel anything from my abdomen down besides your goddaughter kicking me. Mini both Tony and I agreed that we want you here through this." Mini smiles and nods and rubs her back soft as lays blanket around her to take nap looks at Tony, "How are you doing daddy? Oscar is in the hallway if you want to go for a walk. She is only at a 5 she still has a bit to go."

Smiles and kisses Tony hand, "Go with Oscar, you two can go to the gift shop. Don't forget that we still haven't gotten her a teddy." Mini smiles and looks at them and shows them teddy bear, "Auntie and uncle got her the one you two requested." Cries and looks and holds it to me close, "Thank you Mini and Oscar."

Oscar POV

Waves from door and sees Tony come next to me, "We will be back in a bit, you two stay out of trouble."

Watches Tony kiss Flaca and walks to gift shop and helps him pick out different flowers and stuffed animals, "How are you feeling mano? You know Lily said to tell you no fainting."

Tony chuckles and smiles and pays for everything as we stand in hallway outside gift shop, "I am okay now that I see that she is in no pain. When we first came in I was worried about the baby, but they said she will be okay even her weight is okay."

I looked at him and nods, "Your baby will be okay, I know your concern is from seeing us lose Caesar but your baby is doing great and nothing will change that."

Aminia POV

Twenty three hours later on one side of Flaca and puts wet towel on her forehead and puts the teddy bear on her belly, "Sis make the teddy bear your concentration point." Sees her breathe through another contraction as doctor checks her.

Dr. Maldonado looks at her and smiles, "Alejandra you are officially fully dilated," he goes and gets ready. "Amina and Tony I need you both to support her when she ready to push."

Watches her push and rubs her hand and counts, "1 more push Flaca, and you will have your baby in your hands." Sees her push and Tony catch the baby and smiles with tears hugs all of them and takes first family picture, "You three have time alone and time as a family."

Flaca hands me the baby after they hold her, "Aminia meet little Antonia Mini Perez." Holds her with tears and sees her hold my pinky, "Hi little one, you have a mix of mommy and daddy, Auntie and Uncle will love you always." Hands her over and hugs all of them after 3 hours, "You three rest and I will come in the morning."

Flaca POV

Breastfeeding Antonia smiles soft as Tony holds me from behind, "She is so precious and quiet, I love you both so much." Tony kisses both our heads and burps her once I am done and smiles at me as he holds her on chest.

Smiles as we are settled in the hospital bed that night with Antonia between us hears video chat on phone smiles when sees its Aminia, "Hey sis whatcha doing?" Shows her Tony and Antonia sleeping with tears, "They are inseparable, if Tony isn't holding her or near her, she cries."

Aminia watching smiles, "Well I have someone here who wanted to say hi to you guys and her cousin if its okay."

Smiles and waves at lily, "Hey sweetheart of course that's okay. Give auntie a minute to wake up uncle." Taps Tony on shoulder and whispers soft and sees him get Antonia and hold her and show her to Lily, "Lily this is Antonia, you are now a big cousin."

Sees Lily smile wide and wave at her, "Auntie she has lots and lots of hair and Uncle Tony's dimple and adorable."

Tony looks at her and smiles, "You can come see us tomorrow mija, we want a picture of her with her cousin."

I yawn soft listening lays back, "Goodnight sweetheart we love you from the moon and back, give mommy and daddy hugs from us."

Lily nods and smiles and waves by, "Goodnight you two, we all love you. Here's grandma and grandpa."

Norma smiles at watching, "You two have such a gorgeous daughter, and look at those cheeks. We will be there tomorrow with Lily, Oscar and Mini need to work in the morning but will visit in the evening. Now you two sleep, and if need anything call us."

Ray smiles watching, "Tony she is definitely going to make you run for your money, but she is a good combo of you two."

We hang up with them 20 minutes later and hears her crying and checks her diaper and changes her rubbing Tony shoulder as I nurse, "As soon as this little one sleeps we will to." Sees her finish and burp and lays down with pillow on my side as Tony rubs my back as Antonia sleeping in crib.  With Tony's help texts everyone the announcements:

  With Tony's help texts everyone the announcements:

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