♡Capitulo Treinta Y Uno- Girl Time♡

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Mini POV

Gets box out of car and walks to Flaca's room and knocks soft smiles when she opens, "Do you have time for your sissy?" Flaca smiles at me and waves me in, "I always have time for my sissy especially since I smell fresh cookies."

I smile at her, "Our girls made them, and little Norma helped decorate." Hands her drawings and cards and pictures and helps her put on board behind her.

Hands her a bag and hugs her tight, "This is from Oscar and I, he cooked you lunch and I made the wrapping pretty. It is Dr. Stephan approved. I been taking Antonia daily to preschool, her and Lily are enjoying being the same class." Sees him open and smile wide, "He made my favorite Enchiladas, thank you so much both of you." Sees her put it on table and smiles, "I also brought you more clothes and toiletries."

Sits her down on couch after she puts everything away and eats trying not to talk about my own problems, "How are you really doing? Tony told us that you been doing therapy and he has joined in some. If you ever need any of us to come to one, we are open."

Flaca looks at me with concern, "I am doing better Mini, one thing I have learned through all this is that I don't have to smoke or take drugs, I need to find something that distracts me. Now what the hell are you thinking? You cannot keep shit from me."

Sighs looks at her with tears looks outdoor, "Oscar told me last night that he cheated on me with Katie, says that he doesn't love or care for me anymore. That for now on all we are, are parents to the kids. Ray and he got into a big fight, mom and Ray are living at your house. Cesar is back at school, and only calls to check in."

Flaca in shock and holds her as she cries in my hold, "That asshole does not deserve you Aminia, you are the toughest person I know."

Flaca POV

Watches Mini cry herself to sleep with her head on my lap texts Tony, "Tell your best friend that he better run when I get out. Oh, and hit him hard across the head for me. My best friend just cried herself to sleep."

Reads while rubbing her head and sees Norma come in and smiles and comes next to her hugs tight, "Can I kill your son?"

Norma hugs back and looks at couch, "Ray almost did, we heard the whole fight and Flaca her face would have even broke your heart. I don't understand why he would do this though if they been doing great. "

Sighs and looks at her, "I can bet I know who is involved. Still though he should have talked to Tony or I before breaking Aminia's heart. She is who has been through it all with him." We all talk all afternoon hugs them. "Thank you both for coming.

3 hours later reading when hears a loud knock glares at door and opens it and sees Oscar and slams door in face, "Oscar Raymond Diaz, get your ass in here and you better have a good explanation."

Oscar POV

Comes in and locks door behind me and closes blinds, "I am going to tell you a few things Alejandra Perez and you going to fucking listen."

Flaca looks me in the eye, "Don't you fucking talk to me like that, I will listen but watch your fucking mouth!"

I look at her and step away and takes deep breath, "Let me clarify something, I never cheated on Aminia and I never would. A week ago, while I was working at Dwayne's, Katie came in and started threatening me with my kids with getting CPS involved because of Aminia's mentality. She said that she will have Mini thrown in jail and killed for taking Lily from her."

Listening in shock that Oscar is shaking with tears gets Kleenex and hands it to him looks at him, "Hey Mano, we will find a solution to this, but you need to speak to Aminia regarding this. She is scared that you are leaving her, she even asked if she could stay with us if you kick her out."

Oscar shakes head, "I would never kick her out I just need to figure out what the hell to do. Even little Norma is ignoring me, and that is coming from a 3-month-old." Looks at him, "You need to take a day to go through all of it, maybe speak to Dr. Stephan in regard to it."

Oscar wipes away his tears and looks at me, "There is more I went to my monthly visit yesterday and the cancer is back."

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