♡Capitulo treinta y cinco - Norma/Oscar talk♡

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Norma POV

Checks Oscar vitals and weight and his tumor area, "You have lost another 5 pounds and your blood pressure is a bit low, you are wheezing but that's normal with everything going on. Your tumor area has no swelling or redness."

Oscar gets my hand and rubs it, "Mom, I am okay I promise. I am weak when I stand for long or shower but other than that its mainly the headaches. My girls love taking naps with me, and Lily bug sits on my lap and relaxes."

I look at him and nods and holds him close,  "Flaca and I plan to take Mini out for a spa day.  I don't think she has left the house since all of this has started. She told me that Cesar's friends came to visit yesterday."

Oscar chuckles softly, "Mario came over, and they came with him. Ruby was telling me that his graduation is next month, and invited me to come if I can. Jamal was babbling on and on about his new girlfriend, and asked Mario and I for advice on sex. Mom, I told Ruby that even if I am in a wheelchair I want to be their."

I smile and tuck a blanket around him, "I remember when I first came back, those two used to run from you. Mini says that you and Mario grew up together, I am glad that you keep in touch."

Oscar nods and shows me a frame of me and him and Tony, "He brought this over yesterday, we were the three musketeers. We are still close but not as close as Tony and I. I told him yesterday that I was okay with talking with Geny."

Oscar hands me a envelope, "I gave this to dad to, this has a account that I have been putting money in for Mini and the kids. Also all my insurance and life insurance from the IT job.  Their is also paperwork for a house in Brentwood that I know the owner and they are just waiting for her approval."

I hold him close as reading everything and I wipe my tears, "You have thought of everything sweetheart. Even thought of us with your will and adding a guest house to the house."

Oscar nods, "I don't want Mini by herself and you guys shouldn't be alone to."

Lily comes in from school and hands him a drawing, "Dad I made this at school, our teacher wanted to draw our hero and explain. I told her my daddy is my hero because he is a fighter."

I videotape them and rub Lily back, "How are you doing Lily bug?" Lily looks at me from dads lap, "I am okay grammy, I help with Daddy if his tummy hurting I help mommy with getting him a sprite smoothie or popsicles. Sometimes I have a popsicle with him."

Oscar rubs her head soft and kisses the top of it, "Daddy loves you from the moon and back mija." Lily nods and lays head on his shoulder trying to be strong, and Oscar looks at her, "Baby, it is okay to be upset. Its hard on us adults I can just imagine how my princess feels. Remember though that I will be in your heart all the time and will watch you." Rocks her as she cries and rubs her back lays blanket around them. 

I watch them and help him lay while he tucks her in the bed and I put her favorite teddy bear next to her. Looks at Oscar and wipes his tears as we go to hallway.

Mini comes next to us with bags under eyes and worried eyes, "I heard Lily crying."

Oscar holds her close to him and nods, "Our girl is definitely having a hard time."

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