♡Capitulo cuarenta y dos - Lily Party♡

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Cesar POV

Decorating apartment as Monse goes to get labs done and pick up cake and sweets. Looks out window and smiles at Mini's car and looks up at sky, "We can't celebrate with you brother, but I know you watching us."

Norma and Ray at door with Dwayne Diner food and puts on counter. Norma comes next to me and hugs me, "Ain't that the truth? Your niece has big news for her uncle. How are you and Monse doing? You two have only a few more weeks."

Smiles and kisses her cheek and shakes dad hand, walks with them to nursery, "We just finished the nursery with everything and everything is ready." Shows them ultrasound, "Our boy is almost 9lbs and he is at 2cm, the doctor believes he will be here any day. With Oscars birthday coming, Monse is hoping for it to be the same day. She keeps telling him to stay in a few more days."

Norma wipes her tears and smiles, "Your wife has a good heart Cesar, you two keep us posted."

Lily runs in and smiles wide and jumps on me and I hold her, "Hey little one, do you have any news for me?" Lily smiles and nods crazy, "I get to stay with Mommy Mini full time, and I won't be going back to Mommy Katie." I smile and look at her, "Thats great sweetheart, and that means we can kidnap you more and you will get to meet your cousin. Remember our little secret?" Lily nods and smiles lays head on my shoulder, "Uncle Cesar I am very very happy"

Mini POV

Comes in holding a sleeping Norma in seat and puts her on car seat, takes pictures of Cesar and Lily and them with family.

Goes outside and helps Monse with cake and sweets, "How are you and my favorite nephew doing?" Monse smiles at me as we put everything on table and gets my hand on her belly, "We are good Mini, the doctor thinks he is coming early, both Cesar and I are hoping that he and Oscar share a birthday." Looks at her with tears and sits with her, "Sorry I been trying not to be emotional, but thank you for that."

Monse looks at me, "As you know my mom just died recently, and Norma is going to be the nurse. Can you be there with us when I go through labor and delivery? You have been with us through everything and I know Cesar is as nervous as I am."

I smile and nods, "I would be honored you just call me when its time. Flaca and Tony and Antonia won't be here today, Antonia and Tony have a bad case of the stomach flu."

Lily comes in and smiles hugs Monse, "Auntie Monse, guess what?" Monse smiles as I help Lily on her lap, "What sweetheart?" Lily smiles and lays head on her belly soft, "I am going to live with mommy Mini full time." She smiles at her, "That's awesome news my sweet girl, and let mommy show you table Uncle and I got you a special cake."

Lily smiles and I go to table with her and shows her and she hugs Monse and Cesar, "Thank you both, I love you from the moon and back." We all eat and watch movies rest of day.

I walk out to balcony as nursing Normita and Lily asleep with her head on my lap with blanket over all of us looks at sky, "Thank you for today, I will raise our daughters the way we both wanted." Sees Normita finish and pats her back as she burps.

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