♡Capitulo Cuatro: Beginning of Pregnancy Pain♡

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Cesar looks at Sad Eyes while watching Katie's house, "Do you think that she really is taking time to be with Lily Bug?" Sees Lily playing on the porch alone and waves, "Hey mija, uncle and padrino came to give you a quick hi."

Lily smiles wide, "hi uncle Cesar and padrino, can you give daddy a picture for me? I have some for both of you two" runs in house to get pictures when mom stops her by shoving her to side and rips them in front of her.

Sad eyes comes in without saying anything and recording everything, "Katie either you give me my goddaughter or I will take this to Oscar and you are in deep shit*

Katie looks at him and Cesar, "its my word against yours anyways and my daughter would not speak out on myself" locks the door behind them and looks at lily "You can thank your uncles now you have a extra week grounded.

Oscar at my home office making sure that everything is organized while Aminia is asleep. Hears our door open and sees Katie with angry face. "What do you want? Last I checked you are only allowed here when bringing our daughter."

Katie says, "I came to tell you that our daughter is grounded for the next 2 weeks due to speaking back to me and not respecting my decisions," hands him paperwork. "This is for court case for child support it starts on Friday." Walks away and sees Aminia and spits on her shoes.

Aminia looks her in the eye and trying to stay calm, "Take us to court and we will see whose word the new judge listens to. Oscar won't pay you a single dollar until the judge brings a agreement between you two." 

Katie slaps her hard and hits her to the side, "you are nothing all you ever do is take my dirty seconds." Slams her to floor and keeps hitting her until Oscar and Cesar gets me. "Get off me you bastard!"

Cesar looks at Katie and slams her in her car and looks her in eye, "bring my niece in the next hour or I will send people your way within the next 30 minutes."

Oscar in shock and sees Aminia in pain calls 911, "my girlfriend was beat by my ex-wife and is 10 weeks pregnant," sees Aminia look away from me. 

Aminia looks at wall crying rubbing belly, "Oscar you let her beat me and hit me, it took you minutes to stop her, we going to lose another baby just so she can have a life with you."

Female paramedic comes next to them and does a full checkup and sees blood on her pants looks at Oscar, "We are taking her to St. Mary's follow us because we will need you to fill out papers."

Aminia gets on stretcher in pain sees blood with tears looks at paramedic, "please save my baby, he or she can't die!" 

Oscar watches them take her and looks at Cesar, "Mano, send Flaca over to Katie's, tell her to get my daughter and then to do everything I have taught her to my ex." Looks over at Sad Eyes and we get in car slams hand on window, "I couldn't get over the shock that she would touch her, and now due to my slowness I am going to lose the baby and my girl". 

Sad Eyes driving trying to stay calm hits him across the head, "You are Minis Pac, and Mini is your Jada. You two will get through this, but remember that she might not come back right after. If the baby makes it then he or she might have problems. Don't worry about Lily, Cesar will get her and we will take care of her."

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