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Chapter Five| Lily

"Lily, you've been really quiet this past week. I'm getting worried about you." My mum says with a look of worry on her face.

"I'm okay." I whisper and start eating my breakfast.

"No you're not baby." She frowns and sits in front of me.

I take a deep breath and look at her. "Did dad know about Aleksio?" My mum furrows her eyebrows at my question.

"What about Aleksio, sweetie? Is he okay?" She genuinely looks concerned and just as I go to speak my dad walks in.

"Morning, princess." He smiles at me. "Morning, Angel." He says to my mum, kissing her forehead.

"Kaden, Lily is worried about Aleksio. What do you know?" My mum tilts her head and raises her eyebrows at my dad, who has all of a sudden become quiet.

"No idea." He shrugs and starts to make a coffee.

"He's joining the Mafia." I tell him and watch his back tense.

"Good for him."

"Kaden!" My mum then turns to me and gives me a sad smile. "I'm sorry, sweetie."

"He shouldn't be going into the Mafia!" I raise my voice and my dad spins around looking at me with wide eyes.

"Princess, I'm not that boy's father, I don't make his decisions for him. If he wants to go into the life of crime let him." I feel my lip begin to tremble and I watch him sigh. He clenches his jaw and looks away from me.

"Kaden, you've made her cry!" My mum smirks and winks at me. I smile back.

I quickly stop smiling when he turns to face me again and he releases a breath. "I'll talk to his dad." He huffs and storms out of the kitchen.


"How's Jack?" I ask Elle as we begin to walk out of the school building.

"We're going on another date in a couple days." She beams. "Are you excited for your birthday tomorrow?"

"Not exactly." I smile sadly and she looks down at me with a frown.

"I'm sorry about Aleksio."

"Don't apologise. This is what he wants to do, there's only so much I can do to make him stop." I give her a tight-lipped smile and clutch my folders closer to my chest.

"It's just so weird, you two never argue. You should speak to him though, Lily. He loves you a lot."

"Yeah I know." I sigh but frown when she shakes her head.

"No, Lily, he loves you more than a friend! I know you're not dumb but when it comes to you and Aleksio, you can be so blind. He worships the ground you walk on." She smiles and I feel my heart flutter.

"Well if he loved me then he wouldn't be doing all of that dodgy business." I whisper and then I spot him in the car park, resting against the front of his car.

"And there's the devil himself. I'll see you tomorrow, Lily. Don't forget I'm coming over to do your make-up." She hugs me tight and then runs off.

I stay still like a statue and just stare at him.

We haven't spoken for a whole week. I've ignored his texts and calls, I've even made sure to lock the door to my balcony so he doesn't sneak in.

He gives me a small smile and I bite on the inside of my cheeks, willing myself not to cry.

I decide to slowly make my way over to him and stop when I am a metre away.

"Hi, baby." He says with a shaky voice and I look up at him with glossy eyes.

"W-Why are you here?" I stutter, avoiding eye contact with him.

"I miss my girl." He whispers and I roll my eyes.

"I'm not your girl." I look at him and cross my arms over my chest.

"So you're going to ignore me forever?" He sighs and I pout my lips nodding my head.

"I'm so mad at you, Aleks!" I glare at him and I watch him smirk.

"Baby, you can never have an angry face, you look too innocent." He winks and I huff, storming over to the passenger side of his car.

"On a serious note we need to speak." He hops into the drivers seat and begins to drive out of the car park. "Diner?"

"Sure." I go back to ignoring him and look out the window.

We make it to the diner and I greet Alban before storming over to a booth.

"So are you going to listen to me?" I question Aleksio as he sits down with two chocolate milkshakes in his hand.

"Your dad actually came to speak to me about changing my mind." He takes a sip from his drink. "I'm sorry, baby, but this is what I want to do."

I look down at the table and bite my lip.

"You know I'd never hurt you, Lily. You're the most important person in my life, please just accept that this is who I am now." He reaches out for my hand and I feel butterflies in my stomach.

'He loves you more than a friend.'

Elle's words swim around in my head and I furrow my eyebrows whilst looking at Aleksio.

"Baby, speak to me." He pleads.

"Well what happens when you get a girlfriend? She'll be your top priority." I raise my eyebrows.

"No-one will ever be more important than you, Lily." He rolls his eyes.

"That's not fair, when you find someone who you want to be with, all your love should be on them not me." I shrug.

"Can we not talk about this." He sits back and taps his hand on the wooden table.

"Just saying."

I watch him clench his jaw.

"Why are you acting like this?" He furrows his eyebrows.


"Tell me you love me."

"Why do you always say that?" I tilt my head.

"Because Lily, I don't know what I would do if you didn't love me." He blurts out and looks out the window.

"I do love you." I tell him. "But I don't support the decision you're making, however I can't force you not to do it, so go ahead."

"Lily I have something to tell you." He whispers and looks at me with sad eyes.

"What is it?" I question, feeling myself start to panic.

"After your birthday I'll be going to Albania." I sigh and sit back.

"Oh, for like another holiday?" I question.

"No, Lily, for a year."


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