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Chapter Twelve| Lily

"Hey!" I beam once I spot Aleksio. He looks at me with a frown and then Josh. I step away from Josh and wrap my arms around Aleksio. "What's wrong?" I look up at him with concern.

"Nothing, baby." He whispers, kissing my forehead but he avoids eye contact.

"We're gonna go on the Ferris wheel, we'll see you later." Elle beams and goes off with Jack, leaving Josh, Aleksio and I.

"So, what should we do?" I smile at the both of them. I spot both of them glaring at one another and sigh, frowning. "What is up with the two of you? Have you had an argument?!" I question them and Josh looks at me with a small smile.

"No, Lils." Josh states but my frown remains.

"Don't lie to me." I raise my eyebrows at the both of them and Josh sighs.

"If you've got something to say Josh I suggest you just come out and say it." Aleksio scoffs and Josh furrows his eyebrows at him.

"Or what? You gonna shoot me?" Josh grits his teeth.

"Don't fucking tempt me." Aleksio chuckles menacingly.

"Aleks!" I spin round to face him with wide eyes. "What is your problem today?" I throw my arms up in frustration.

"Nothing." He mumbles and I roll my eyes stepping away from him.

"Don't lie to me, Aleks." I scowl at him and he sighs.

"Stop stressing, Lily." He scolds me and I roll my eyes. "And don't roll your eyes at me."

I pout my lips and turn to Josh who is now just scrolling through his phone. "Win me a bear." I demand the two of them and they look at me with wide eyes.

I begin to laugh when they rush of to one of the stalls, leaving me by myself.

I decide to wander around the fair for about an hour, buying myself food about every five minutes.

I'm mid-way through eating a hotdog when my phone begins to ring. I smile when Aleksio's name pops up. "Yes?"

"Where are you?" I look around and see I'm standing by the Ferris wheel.

"Ferris wheel." I say and then my eyes widen when he hangs up. My eyes widen further when I see Aleksio and Josh rushing over to me with massive teddy bears in their arms.

Aleksio carries a massive teddy bear that spells out 'I love you' while Josh has a huge unicorn.

I squeal and quickly finish my food before putting the rubbish in a bin nearby.

"Oh my God, thank you guys!" I beam and grab the bears which are practically the same height as me.

"Glad you like it." Josh smiles and then checks his phone. "I've got to go, I've got a date." He smiles and I raise my eyebrows.

"Really?! Who's the lucky girl?" I smile bright and he smiles shyly.

"Her names Laura, I met her a couple days ago." He shows me a picture on his phone and I smile at the melanin beauty.

"She's so pretty." I compliment and he smiles, pulling me into a hug.

"I'll see you later, yeah." I nod my head. He glances at Aleksio who now looks guilty before walking away.

"What's happened between you two?" I question Aleksio again and he clenches his jaw and then bites the inside of his mouth.

"I thought he fancied you." He says so quick, I just about hear.

"What?!" I exclaim.

"When I first got here, he had his arm around you and everything, Lily! He's always so touchy with you." My frown remains as I stare at him in shock.

"He's my best friend, Aleks. He was there for me a lot when you were gone and I don't know if you've forgotten but he's your best friend too. You should be able to trust him." He sighs but nods his head.

"I'll message him later. Now give me one of those bears before they trip you up." He smirks and I smile, throwing the unicorn at him.

"I love you." I beam and he winks.

"I love you always, baby." He leans down and kisses my forehead making my heart flutter.

My smile drops when I feel myself starting to zone out as I stare ahead blankly for about twenty seconds.

"Lily! Hey, baby, talk to me!" I blink and see that Aleksio is crouched down in front of me, his face full of worry.

I shake my head and smile. "Sorry." I try and change the subject quickly to avoid being told of by Aleksio but he's not having it.

"You just had one didn't you! Have you been stressing? Or have you not been getting enough sleep?" He panics, brushing my hair out of my face.

"I guess I haven't been sleeping well but it's fine, honestly." I give him a reassuring smile and he clenches his jaw.

"Before this one, when was your last?" I look away and bite my lip.

"Yesterday." I whisper and his eyes widen.

"Do your parents know?" I shake my head.

"I told Josh." Aleksio stumbles back in shock and looks at me in hurt.

"Why didn't you come to me?" He whispers and runs his fingers through his hair.

"You've got a lot going on right now, I didn't want to bother you." I shrug and he shakes his head in disbelief. "I'm sorry."

"I need to get you home." He grabs hold of my hand and we begin to walk to his car.

"Are you mad at me?" He shakes his head and looks down at me.

"Just disappointed, Lily. You need to tell your parents." I purse my lips and nod my head.

Well that's a great way to end the day.


"Lily, why wouldn't you tell me you are still having these seizures?" My mum says gently. I look to my dad to see how angry he is because I didn't tell him.

"I don't want to worry you. It's not that bad, honestly." I sigh, resting my head back against the sofa.

"Not that bad? Not that fucking bad?! Lily, you're going to kill me off one day with a heart attack." My dad rubs his face in frustration. "You're lucky I don't lock you in the house because I fucking will if you keep lying to us."

"I didn't lie. I just chose not to tell you." I shrug and I watch his face begin to get angrier.

"Kaden, calm down." My mum pleads with him but he doesn't listen and begins to shout at me more.

"Your seizures are a serious thing, Lily and you treat it like a joke!" He stands up and towers over me. "I'm beginning to think you're not as smart as I thought, you stupid, stupid girl!"


My heart drops.

Yes my dads been mad before but he has never spoken to me like this before.

My eyes begin to water and I watch his face morph into guilt.

"Princess, I'm sorry." He rushes out but I stand up and begin to back out of the living room. 

"Don't talk to me!" I whimper.


So next chapter is gonna be in Kaden's POV. 👁👅👁👍🏾

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