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Chapter Fourteen| Lily

"I missed you." I tell Aleks as he sneaks through the window. We were able to find a ladder. "Why have you got a duffle bag on your back?"

"I know your dad is probably going to kill me but I'm free for a whole week so I thought we could go on holiday." I tense up at his words.

"Where? When?" I furrow my eyebrows and bite my lip.

"Now." He whispers quickly and my eyes widen.

"Aleks! What the hell?!" I exclaim.

"Listen I'm parked not far from your house, just pack some stuff, we can buy some clothes when we arrive there." My eyes only widen further and I feel my heart begin to race.

"Where Aleks?!"

"Albania. We've got a villa out there it will be nice." I can't help but feel confused about Aleksio's drastic decision.

"I have to let my parents know." I tell him.

"You can message them when we get to the airport." He shrugs and I look at him with a frown.

"Aleks, what is the rush? You're worrying me." I reach up to stroke his cheek and he pouts his lips.

"I don't want anymore time I spend with you taken away from me." He whispers and my frown falls. "I'm scared one day something will split us apart."

"Don't be silly, Aleks! We've practically been joined to the hip our whole lives." I lightly laugh but his face remains serious.

"Please Lily, I'm serious." I sigh and nod my head. "I want to make as many memories with you as possible."

I nod my head.



The first mistake I made was not closing my door as soon as I started packing my bag.

"Hold up, little Lily. What the fuck are you doing?" My Uncle Luciano questions and I freeze.

"Just clearing my wardrobe out. Mum said I could take some old stuff to the charity shop." I smile and he raises his eyebrows before shrugging and walking away.

I release a shaky breath and continue to pack.

Aleksio went to go and wait in the car for me. After about fifteen minutes I've finished packing but my blood runs cold when I hear the slam of the door and the sound of my dad's angry footsteps.

"Lily fucking Morello!" My eyes widen and I lock my bedroom door.

"No, no, no." I panic.

I look at the ladder outside my window and bite my lip.

This is a bad idea.

A really bad idea.

"Open the door, Lily! Where are you going?!" I hear my crazy overprotective dad panic from the opposite side of the door.

"I'll call you later!" I rush out and throw my bag over my balcony.


I begin to climb down the ladder just as I hear the sound of my door crashing open. I make it to the bottom and look up at my dad who is looking down at me with frantic eyes.

"Lily, if I've done something to upset you please just tell me, don't just runaway." He throws his arms up in the air and I smile.

"I'll be back dad. I'm going on holiday with Aleks." I smirk and his face falls further.

"You're what?!"

"Bye!" I wave with a wide smile and run down the driveway.


I sigh and hang up on my dad for the tenth time.

We're already at the gate, waiting to board the plane as I rest my head on Aleksio's shoulder

"I don't mean to sound rude but you're twenty, shouldn't your dad just let you do what you want." Aleksio questions, whilst stroking my arm.

"It's just the way my dad is, Aleks. He's always going to be like this and I can't change that, he's always going to be overprotective of me no matter how old I am." I bite my lip.

"Answer your phone, baby. I'll go and get us a drink." He stands up and kisses my forehead before walking off.

My phone begins to ring again so I answer.

"Hello?" I say, squinting my eyes, waiting for the shouting.

But it doesn't come.

"Why, princess?" My dad whispers and I automatically feel bad.

"Why what?"

"Why couldn't you just tell me? If your uncle hadn't seen you, you would of just left without telling us. You would of had your mother and I worried sick!" He scolds me and I bite my lip.

"I was going to message you." I cringe at my words when I hear him take in a deep breath. "Dad I'm twenty, you need to stop worrying."

"I'll stop worrying when I'm six feet under, Lily and even then I'm still going to worry about you." I smile when I see Aleks walking back over to me. "That boy. Put that fucking boy on the phone." My smile drops.

I hold my phone out to Aleks and he frowns. "My dad." I mouth and he sighs, taking the phone from my hand.

"Mr Morello."

I watch for the next ten minutes as Aleksio's eyes widen at whatever my dad is telling him on the other side of the phone.

"I promise I will look after her, sir." Aleks, runs his fingers through his hair and looks at me with a small smile. "Yes I understand........bye."

He hangs up and I finally relax.

"So I'm basically a dead man when we get back so we better make the most of this week." He grins and I grin back.

"I love you." I tell him as he sits back next to me.

"I love you always, Lily."

I don't know what to say lol, hope you enjoyed 💗

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